No matter how great your story is, if the ending falls flat or doesn’t ring true, it ruins the entire story for the reader.
Circular Ending Beginning: “Here’s a true story from when I was twelve. I never told it to my mother because I’m sure she would have dropped dead on the spot.” Ending: “And that’s that’s just one story I never told my mother.” A Day at the Zoo
Surprise Ending Story: Laurie, a boy who just started kindergarten, comes home everyday with stories of a classmate, Charles, who's disruptive, disobedient, and violent. Laurie's parents are concerned that Charles is a bad influence on their son.
Surprise Ending Ending: “We had a little trouble adjusting, the first week or so,” she [teacher] said primly, “but now he’s a fine little helper. With occasional lapses, of course.” “Laurie usually adjusts very quickly,” I said. “I suppose this time it’s Charles’s influence.” “Charles?” “Yes,” I said, laughing, “you must have your hands full in that kindergarten, with Charles.” “Charles?” she said. “We don’t have any Charles in the kindergarten.”
Emotional Ending “Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. Although he loved her children and grandchildren dearly, none of the new spiders ever quite took her place in his heart. She is in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.” Charlotte’s Web
Ironic Ending Story: A poor couple wants to buy Christmas gifts for each other. The man loves his pocket watch, and the woman takes great pride in her beautiful hair. The woman wants to purchase a chain for her husband’s pocket watch, and the man wants to purchase hair combs for his wife.
Ironic Ending Ending: The man sells his pocket watch to get the money to purchase the hair combs, and the woman cuts and sells her hair to get the money to purchase the chain. The Gift of the Magi
New Learning Ending “That was truly the only time I ever went to camp. But it made me a better person. Before camp, I couldn’t swim or work as a team member. By the end of camp, I knew how to swim and dive, and I was running on two relay teams. After that experience, I was ready for bigger challenges when school started in the fall.” Student Example
Reflection Ending Story: Every year Trisha enjoys a get together with her aunts, uncles, and cousins. The family rituals are usually the same, except this year Gramma has promised something new. She's going to teach them how to catch lightning in a jar. This becomes one of the most remembered rituals that Trisha will proudly share with generations to come.
Reflection Ending Last line: She also knew that someday they would tell their children about all of us, and of the magic nights when we caught lightning in a jar. When Lightning Comes in a Jar