The Purpose Driven Life (John 1:19~23, 3:30)


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Presentation transcript:

The Purpose Driven Life (John 1:19~23, 3:30)

* Illustration(예화): "And What Then?“ Dialogue between William Gladstone (영국 수상) and a young man:   "And What Then?“ (그리고 다음에는 뭘 할 것인가?)

the way for His people in Egypt, He sent Joseph. When God wanted to prepare the way for His people in Egypt, He sent Joseph.

When God wanted to deliver His people and bring them to Canaan, the Promised Land, He sent Joshua.

God always uses men and women to carry out His plan and purpose. We see in our text a man sent from God! He was John the Baptist. 


John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, was filled with passion for Jesus. Remember: God uses people on fire for God!


If you are going to be used by God in a great way, it will require some sacrifices.

III. GOD USES PEOPLE WHO KNOW HIS ROLE! (하나님은 자신의 사명을 아는 자들을 사용하신다)

John proclaimed: "Jesus must increase but I must decrease(NKJV) John proclaimed: "Jesus must increase but I must decrease(NKJV)." "He must become greater; I must become less(NIV)." The primary role of John the Baptist was that of a witness and testimony to the light of the world.

- In the days of John there was great expectation for the Messiah - In the days of John there was great expectation for the Messiah. Everyone was looking for the promised Messiah, so naturally John's actions and message created a lot of speculation as to who he was.

People asked, "Are you the Messiah. " "I am not," John answered People asked, "Are you the Messiah?" "I am not," John answered. - People asked John, "Are you Elijah?" "No, I am not," replied John. - John said, "I am a voice shouting in the wilderness.” (John 1: 23).

The man God uses is a man who knows his place and purpose in life: a servant in the Kingdom of God.

IV. GOD USES PEOPLE WHO SERVE JESUS! (하나님은 주님을 위해 봉사하는 자들을 사용하신다)

We are here to bring many people to the Lord We are here to bring many people to the Lord. The attention is on Jesus, not ourselves. We should not try to receive the glory that should be given to Jesus.

to pave the way for Jesus Christ, and he did this well. John's mission was to pave the way for Jesus Christ, and he did this well.

the King. John died in his early thirties. His life was short-lived. John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod Antiphas, the King. John died in his early thirties. His life was short-lived.

Even though he did not live long, Jesus praised John by saying that he was the greatest man ever born by a woman.

Conclusion(결론) To be a proper witness, we must bring people to Jesus (vv. 25-34). John the Baptist understands his role: bringing people to Jesus!

To follow the footsteps of John the Baptist, we should: 1) First, Recognize who Jesus is! (예수가 누구인가를 알아야) - He is the Messiah, the anointed Christ! - He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. - He is the only Begotten Son of God.

2) Then we should Recognize our role 2) Then we should Recognize our role! (우리의 사명을 인식하라) - Know who we are not? _ Know who we are? - Be humble before God!

We are a voice. - we should Testify about Jesus/Him. Do not be ashamed We are a voice. - we should Testify about Jesus/Him. Do not be ashamed. - Our role is to bring people to Jesus.

E. M. Bounds, an author of Power of Prayer,(기도의 능력) once said: "While we, human beings, spend time looking for better programs, God is looking for better people. While men look for better methods, God looks for better men!"

God always uses man and woman to carry out His plan and purpose.

"Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God "Expect great things from God;  Attempt great things for God!"  (William Carey, 1792) “하나님으로부터 위대한 일을 기대하고; 하나님을 위해 위대한 일을 시도하라!”

I challenge you to be like John the Baptist and William Carey I challenge you to be like John the Baptist and William Carey. 1) Have a burning desire for God! 2) Be willing to pay the price! 3) Know your purpose! 4) Serve Jesus with all your heart!