Urge identification of the real requirements. Urge implementation of a mechanism to control changes to requirements and new requirements. Suggest use of a set of “Rules of Conduct” on your project. Suggest development of a set of guidelines for effective meetings for use on your project. Recommend using peer reviews of all work products and inspections of requirements-related work products. Suggest implementing and using a Defect Prevention Process. Provide requirements training for requirements analysts, the project staff, and your customer/users including explanations of the requirements-related industry problems and their causes. Urge proactive steps to improve project communication such as regular “brown bag” presentations by each work group (for all others on the project) concerning current work activities. Urge tailoring of the requirements gathering approach provided in Figure 5-1 for your project. Recommend use of an industry-strength automated requirements tool on the project, and formal training for those who use the tool most frequently. Evaluate your requirements against the criteria for a good requirement and the rationale for each requirement. Share the results of this exercise with your customer/users.