Chapter 8 By:Me Statue of Caesar
Vocab Words Gnaeus Pompeius (Pompey) Marcus Licinius Crassus Gaius Julius Caesar Cato Cicero First Triumvirate
Pompey Pompey *Brilliant general *Supporter of Sulla *Arrogant *He fought the followers of MArius, Sulla rewarded him, with the title Magnus(the great)
Crassus Crassus *Greedy *Crushed the slave revolt led by Spartacus *Set fire to a block of tenements then he would by the land
Pompey’s Theater *Pompey built Rome’s first permanent theater *Modeled from a greek outdoor theater, but on level ground * Could hold 20,000 people
Caesar -Rhetoric- study of persuasive argument *He was born 100 B.C.E nephew of Marius *He studied… -Greek and Latin Literature -Philosophy -Rhetoric- study of persuasive argument Caesar’s Uncle
Caesar (to be continued) *He loved parties *A handsome man *Caesar started a new fashion by finding a way to cover his receding hairline *He married Cornelia
More Caesar *Caesar found his name on a list of bad men in Rome *He talked to Sulla about this issue *Sulla said unless you divorce your wife you will stay on the list *Caesar said no and fled to Bithynia
Beginning of a Political Career *Once Sulla died Caesar returned to Rome * When he came back he got himself elected military tribune *In 69 B.C.E he became quaestor of Spain *Later he saw a statue of Alexander the Great and wanted to do more with his life
Political Life *He was elected Aedile i 65 B.C.E *The next year he was elected pontifex maximus *62 .C.E was elected praetor *He became the governor of a province in 61 B.C.E
Marriage *He was remarried after Cornelia died *Then divorced because his new wife's name was involved in a scandal
The First Triumvirate * Pompey and Crassus were worried about their growing number of enemies *Especially the two optimates named Cato and Cicero *They including Caesar formed the 1st Triumvirate in which they promised to achieve each others political goals Goals -Pompey wanted a large portion of land for his retired soldiers -Crassus wanted tax concessions for himself and his fellow capitalists -Caesar was politically ambitious
Later Life *Caesar married again this time to Calpurnia *Crassus and Pompey helped Caesar gat elected counsl along with Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus *Caesar showed no respect for the laws
Later Life( to be continued) *He imitated Bibulus so much he stayed home *Caesar used his power for bad reasons