2017 School Board Presentation March 20, 2017 SEL at CCSD 2017 School Board Presentation March 20, 2017
PBIS: Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports PBIS teaches and reinforces social skills, behaviors, and self management practices promoting a positive approach to behavior management within schools. The emphasis is on the use of the most positive approach to addressing school behaviors. For example, if a student was struggling to complete work, the staff works to acknowledge the student when they utilize self-starting strategies and perseverance. PBIS is a consistent system providing school personnel common language, acknowledgment and celebrations of appropriate behaviors, and additional supports for students to be successful (please click the links to see some real examples).
How does the program change from one year to the next? PBIS is an initial three year learning process in collaboration with Grant Wood Area Education Association. Year one focuses on developing common expectations in areas that all students use such as: playground, cafeteria, hallway, etc.. Year two focuses on evidence-based strategies that teachers will apply in the classroom. Year three and beyond focuses on individual supports to increase the likelihood of student success.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4+ High School Point Creek Crest Edge CCSD 16-17 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4+ High School Point Creek Crest Edge Heights Hill Ridge View Mention that I have been attending Year 1 trainings with Point and the HS at Grant Wood AEA to familiarize myself with PBIS as well as working with Year 2 schools in supporting their PBIS efforts.
PBIS on the School Busses Implementation of a positive “behavior referral” letter sent home when drivers notice a student is improving their behavior or is exhibiting general positive behavior/attitude We did not track the number handed out this year We will expand this effort next year Use of proactive meetings with repeat offenders from last year Reminder of bus expectations Develop a positive relationship by getting to know students on personal level PL for bus drivers on how to de-escalate situations with positive language and supports Make note of historic bus survey data. It has not changed significantly in the last 5 years and this year 24% of bus riders reported feeling unsafe or kind of unsafe while riding the bus (slide 11). The goal of the PBIS training is to provide bus drivers and staff with the tools to be able to create a more positive bus environment for our kids.
Olweus at CCSD this year Pre-2016 history of Olweus at CCSD can be found by clicking here June 2016 - All building administrators and counselors are (re)trained in Olweus August 2016 - Makeup Olweus training for June 2016 and for new administrators and counselors. All current administrators, counselors, and building facilitators are Olweus trained Fall 2016 - Olweus practices are infused into each buildings’ SEL curriculum January 2017 - Paraprofessionals at Hill trained in Olweus (canceled because of ice storm)
Safe School Data The 2016-17 Safe School Survey has been redesigned with the following features: Updated interface Branch logic to support different student experiences Real-time building specific data retrieval The survey is currently being administered to all buildings grades 3-12 All surveys will be complete by March 31 Building and district teams will use the results to help drive decisions about how to continue making school a positive experience for all students Click here for the longitudinal Safe School Survey data In our district, we define bullying as an act that is mean or hurtful on purpose, is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated, & involves an imbalance of power. Numbers reported by students who have been consistently bullied have been fairly consistent since 2010. Percentages rounded to the nearest whole number. There has been a significant drop since 2010 in students who report being bullied once or twice a year (5% drop) and a significant increase since 2010 for students who report never being bullied (14%). However, the once or twice a year definition should be questioned since it does not adhere to the definition of bullying being repeated multiple times.
Bullying Investigations School Year Number of Investigations Number of Founded Cases of Bullying Number of Unfounded Cases of Bullying 2015-2016 32 (26 at this time last year) 25 (20 at this time last year) 7 (6 at this time last year) 2016-2017 9 5 4
Behavior Data Through Trimester 2 Most reported behavior categories Physical aggression without injury--317 out of 585 reports (54% of all reported behaviors) Physical fighting without injury--103 out of 585 reports (18% of all reported behaviors) Breakdown of data by grade span Physical aggression without injury (317 reports) K-6 = 292 reports (92%) 7-12 = 25 reports (8%) Physical fighting without injury (103 reports) K-6 = 23 reports (22%) 7-12 = 80 reports (78%)
Data Driven Approach to Behavior Management Behavior Definitions from State All behaviors listed are major We will be changing our Campus designations to reflect this Minors Directly correlated to the majors but definitions are less severe. We will be adding these to Campus with (minor) after them We will make the adjustments and additions in Campus in April and begin using them in the fall of 2017
Data Driven Approach to Behavior Management All buildings will use Campus to document majors and minors (all behavior) Identify additional staff in each building and train them on how to enter behavior data into Campus Utilize Tableau to pull and analyze data directly from Campus Move to utilizing the Tier system as soon as possible, hopefully 2017-18
Plans for the Future Continued support of K-12 counselors and building facilitators during 2017-18 school year Merging of PBIS, Olweus, Second Step, and other social emotional learning programs into a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum Continued professional development for staff in recognizing bullying Documenting all behaviors (major and minor) in Campus (Differentiated Accountability) Using Tableau to analyze behavior data to inform building and district level decisions