Carlos Russell Speech 3rd hour
Introduction So I am almost sure that throughout your life you have stumbled upon a few Reese's products , whether it be in stores or even in your Halloween bag after Trick-Or-Treating. Now I'm going to tell you why it is considerably the best chocolate – peanut butter candy that has been made.
Background Information H.B Reese invented Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in 1928. He first moved to Hershey, Pennsylvania in 1917, where he enjoyed a relatively prosperous job on a dairy farm owned by The Hershey Company until the farm was closed by Hershey's.
Opinion Statement In my opinion, I believe that the brand Reese's has been putting good Candy. I believe this because throughout my whole 15 years of living I haven’t had a bad time with Reese's cup or Reese's Pieces, they have always been a go to snack when I'm craving candy.
Reason 1: The combination of Chocolate and peanut butter Apparently people love this combination so much because of something called Dynamic Sensory Contrast. Our taste buds love when contrasting flavors come together, and the smoothness of the chocolate and the salty crunch from the peanut butter are a contrasting match made by the gods.
REASON 2: The variety of products Reese’s has different products that range from:
Reason 3: It doesn’t hurt to chew for so long Reese’s are not a threat to your jaw, like Starburst or Tootsie Rolls. On the contrary: It’s smooth sailing as you bite through two supple layers of chocolate and a creamy peanut butter filling.
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Conclusion Hopefully you guys have enjoyed my presentation about Reese’s Products, and that you guys have considered the reasoning I gave for you to buy the candy and other products from them.