Introducing Welcome. In this session I will introduce Wiley Online Library, providing essential information to assist you in the move from Wiley InterScience and taking you on a live tour of the site.
Introducing 平台收錄內容 - 1,500 journals (over 4 million articles) 1,500種期刊 (超過四百萬篇文章) 10,000+ online books 超過10,000 本電子書 100+ multi-volume references and handbooks 100多種電子百科 17 Current Protocols (Laboratory Manuals featuring over 10,000 protocols) 17種實驗操作手冊 11 databases (chemistry & evidence based medicine) 11種專業資料庫
Subject Areas 學科主題分類 涵蓋既深且廣的跨學科線上資源, 主題分類包括15大類, 104小類, 類別如下: Agriculture, Aquaculture & Food Science農業、漁業及食品科學 Architecture & Planning 建築及規畫 Art & Applied Arts 藝術及應用藝術 Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting 商業、金融及會計 Computer Science and Information Technology 計算機科學及資訊技術 Earth & Environment 地球及環境科學 Humanities 人文科學 Law & Criminology 法律及犯罪學 Life Sciences 生命科學 Mathematics & Statistics 數學及統計學 Medicine 醫學 Nursing, Dentistry and Healthcare 護理、牙科及保健 Physical Sciences & Engineering 物理及天文學 Social & Behavioral Sciences 社會及行為科學 Veterinary Medicine 獸醫學
finding and saving content… The next nine slides provide an overview of the search and browse, and my profile features on Wiley Online Library.
原Wiley InterScience的註冊用戶, 使用者資料將會被自動轉入Wiley Online Library Anyone can search and browse content on Wiley Online Library. However, if you are a registered user you can also save titles, articles, chapters and searches, set up roaming access and manage your email alerts. If you were a registered Wiley InterScience user your login details have been transferred to Wiley Online Library. If you are not registered and would like to be, click on the Not Registered link. Registration is free. After you have submitted the registration form , you will receive an email requesting authentication. Once this is done you are ready to login and make the most of being a registered user. Later in this tutorial I will show you the My Profile area, but right now we will find out more about finding and saving content.
Browsing 從出版品類型瀏覽 By Publication By Subject You can browse Wiley Online library by publication or by subject To browse by publication simply click on a letter on the home page or go to the Publications Tab When browsing a list of titles you can filter results, and if you are a registered user you can select one or more results to get email alerts Access icons indicate if you have access to the full text By Publication By Subject
Access Icons 使用權限圖示 免費使用全文 透過 OnlineOpen 型式使用全文 (多為期刊) 單位有使用權限 Wiley Online Library 由 IP 管控, 不限使用人數
從學科主題瀏覽 To browse by subject, hover the mouse over the main subject heading and a list of sub-categories is displayed. Click on a sub-category to browse further.
學科主題首頁 Content on a sub-category or subject home page is updated regularly and highlights titles, news and other information relevant to the subject. You can view all products in the sub-category, or browse by topic.
SEARCHING To find specific content, you can use the simple or advanced search features. The simple search allows you to search all content, or by publication title. For more refined searching use Advanced Search.
The Advanced search, features drop down boxes to select Boolean operators and specific fields. You can also add another row, and specify a date range. Read the Search Tips for further advice on how to make the most of the advanced search functionality
On the search results page you can Sort search results. Edit the search query, or save it to your profile Filter results by product type. And select one or more results to Save to your profile or export citations. To view an article or chapter, click the title or specific links below.
Chapter - PDF
我的個人資料夾 Note: If you had saved searches and search alerts on Wiley InterScience, these have not been transferred to Wiley Online Library due to differences in the search engines. To manage alerts and saved items login and go to the My Profile area. Please note that if you had saved searches and search alerts on Wiley InterScience, these have not been transferred to Wiley Online Library due to differences in the search engines. In the Saved section You can sort or delete saved items, and manage email alerts – To start or stop email alerts click on the relevant link
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