TTnet Annual Conference “Taking stock of TTnet achievements and future developments” Thessaloniki, 11 and 12 December 2003 Session 1 TTnet thematic projects Mara Brugia TTnet Coordinator
TTnet thematic projects Project 1: eLearning: innovative practices and the activities and competences of teachers and trainers Project 2: Professional development of VET teachers Project 3: Validation of non-formal learning for trainers
TTnet thematic projects Main achievement The thematic projects have made it possible for TTnet to become a community for the analysis of relevant innovative practices, for experience sharing, and collaborative and mutual learning about key themes This is an important achievement of the network and it should be safeguarded and optimised.
TTnet thematic projects Main outcomes Innovative practices analysed using a methodology devised at transnational level 75 practices analysed in 12 countries 51 already online on the TTnet website final reports The practices are already available online in the TTnet website and they will be integrated in the database of good examples of practices that Cedefop will implement in co-operation with the Commission, national LdV agencies and other actors. (ETF, EVTA)
Issues to be addressed how to harmonise the results of the analysis of good examples of practices and to capitalise upon them so as to identify common transnational issues in training professions within and outside the network project outcomes should be analysed and formulated so as to bring out recommendations and conclusions that are useful to the Community of VET professionals Our proposal here is to set up a small working party to guarantee that results are exploited in this way and to valorise the scientific dimension of the project outcomes and their relevance to the network's target groups. This is important because we should not forget that the network is a network of practitioners not of researchers and so it is important to analyse and harmonise the results of their work of practitioners and see how these results can be directly transmitted to policy-makers and professionals in a way they can use them for their activities. With Community added value, the network will be able to make a direct contribution to the debate among actors and decision-makers on the professional development of teachers and trainers, at both the national and Community levels.
Management Board proposal to set up a small working party: Cedefop Management Board TTnet experts
Information and communication tools TTnet site on the ETV 20.000 visitors in 2003 Virtual communities TTnet virtual community - 23 members eTTnet virtual community - 104 members