School Sport Survey and FE Sport and Active Lifestyles Survey 2018
Setting the scene
What is the School Sport Survey? The School Sport Survey is an online survey of pupils aged 7-18 and teachers who are responsible for physical education (PE) and school sport delivery . All schools in Wales with pupils aged 7 and over are invited to take part in the survey, including special schools and independent schools. The survey is also open to pupils in sixth forms and FE colleges via the FE Spot & Active Lifestyles Survey.
Headlines from the 2015 Survey Over 116,000 children and young people took part in 2015 School Sport Survey Almost 1000 schools took part
Title of slide Bullet point one Bullet point two Bullet point three Bullet point four Bullet point five Headline results from 2013
Title of slide Bullet point one Bullet point two Bullet point three Bullet point four Bullet point five Headline results from 2013
Goals for 2018
Goals for 2018 Each school and college that takes part qualifies for an individual, tailored report of their results. We want each local authority in Wales to receive high quality local-level statistics. We aim to maintain or increase the number of responses received in 2015 (116,000). Our evidence is of true value when we continue to listen to pupils’ and teachers’ opinions.
Goals for 2018 We aim to make the survey open to as many young people as possible. All responses are important – regardless of whether or not a pupil currently takes part in sport and physical activity. We want to improve accessibility and address equality issues. We want more pupils to have the chance to take part via improved questionnaire tools and support. A response that is representative of the school’s population will provide schools and partners working across the sports sector with the best quality data.
Key audiences Sport Wales and Welsh Government – a base to shape sports policy, monitor and track trends of participation and provision across Wales. Schools and Estyn Inspectors – it provides evidence on how sport and PE in the school are contributing to pupils’ well-being. Local authorities/Regions/Consortia – data to inform local planning and delivery. National Governing Bodies – sport specific insight to inform local regional and national planning. Pupils and Young Ambassadors - Listening to our target audience is vital so that we can improve the opportunities available to them.
The timeline
IT Requirements The technical requirements for completing the survey are as follows: A reliable Internet connection. Ability to receive bulk emails used for survey invitations and reminders. Recommended browsers are Internet Explorer version 7 and above, Firefox or any browser compatible with HTML 4.0 Transitional. A Javascript enabled browser to allow for dynamic features in the questionnaire.
Local lead information Local leads will have access to: The unique links for each school to access their online questionnaires. There will be one link per school for pupils and one link for a teacher. Log in details for accessing the live monitoring system. This can be used to check the number of school and LA responses at any time while the survey is live. Summary reports of progress can be downloaded. Weekly email updates from Sport Wales Insights team, with advice on where targeted support might be required to boost responses.
Process and Timeline – School Sport Survey Before Easter, schools will receive an email from Beaufort Research with details of how to access the survey and their minimum sample guidance. The survey links will be sent to schools by April 16th. Survey opens on April 16th and closes at the end of the summer term. August to October– data is weighted data, analysed, reports are developed and created. Autumn 2018 – Dissemination of results.
Process and Timeline – FE Survey On March 12th colleges will receive an email from Beaufort Research detailing their sample requirements. The survey links will be sent to colleges on March 19th. Survey opens on March 19th and closes at the end of the summer term. August to October– data is weighted data, analysed, reports are developed and created. Autumn 2018 – Dissemination of results.
Benefits of taking part - Schools
Estyn Estyn recognise that the results from the survey can contribute usefully to an evaluation of learners’ wellbeing. Results will also be accepted as evidence within a school’s self-evaluation assessment.
Estyn “Crucial to effective self-evaluation is using the right information and data. That’s why Estyn is recognising the School Sport Survey as such a potentially valuable source of information for self-evaluation. By using this information, schools can plan how to strengthen provision and improve the standards that pupils achieve.”
Tailored reports for schools Schools that achieve their target number of responses and have a balanced sample will receive a tailored report of their results for planning and inspections. Data from the report can be used to demonstrate: Levels of engagement in P.E and sport. Pupils’ participation and enjoyment in learning. Does school provision meet the needs of all learners? Are connections being made with the local community? Evidence of the pupil voice, engaging with the learner and giving them responsibility. Monitoring of progress over time.
What can we find out about pupils’ well-being? Attitudes to keeping healthy and safe: What do pupils think about the contribution PE and sport make to being healthy and having a balanced lifestyle? How do pupils feel about taking part in PE and Sport? Are they happy taking part? Participation and enjoyment in learning: Do pupils enjoy PE, sport and physical activity? Are there differences according to age, gender, ethnicity or disability? Do pupils get involved with extracurricular activities?
What can we find out about pupils’ well-being? Community involvement and decision making: Is there evidence of the learner voice? Do pupils feel that their opinions about sport and PE are listened to? What motivates your pupils to take part? What are the barriers? Do pupils get involved in organised community sport and recreational sport when they are not at school? Social and life skills: Are pupils confident to try out new activities?
My Local School In 2018, eight indicators from the School Sport Survey will feature on Welsh Government’s My Local School website: The percentage of pupils who are ‘hooked on sport’ and take part three or more times a week in extracurricular or community club sport. The percentage of pupils who enjoy PE lessons. The percentage of pupils who enjoy doing sport at after-school or lunchtime clubs. The percentage of pupils who are confident in trying new activities. The percentage of pupils who think PE lessons and sport help them to lead a healthy lifestyle. The percentage of pupils who feel comfortable taking part in PE lessons and school sport. The percentage of pupils who feel that pupils’ ideas about PE and school sport are listened to. The average number of minutes per week allocated for curricular PE.
Benefits of taking part - Colleges
Tailored reports for colleges Colleges that achieve their target number of responses and have a balanced sample will receive a tailored report of their results for planning and inspections. Data from the report can be used to demonstrate: Levels of engagement in sport and physical activity. Students’ participation and enjoyment of sport. Evidence of the student voice, engaging with the learner and giving them responsibility. Information on latent demand. Monitoring of progress over time.
Benefits of taking part – Local Authorities
Local Authority reports Local Authorities that achieve a sufficient number of survey responses will receive a tailored report of the survey findings. These qualifying LAs will also receive infographics and a set of data tables with results for their schools, the LA, their region and Wales.
Tailored reports Sport Wales will provide local authorities with reports that will include information on: Participation in extracurricular and organised community sport – how many pupils in the authority are hooked on sport? Are there differences by age, gender and level of deprivation? Pupils’ perceptions of school and community sport. Which sports do they want to do more of? What are the barriers to participation, and what would encourage young people to do more sport and physical activity? Summaries of headline statistics and progress towards the Community Sport Strategy, presented where possible by protected characteristics.
Supporting resources
Advocacy resources and support tools Please visit the website for further resources, including: Best practice case studies ‘How to’ case studies Infographics Frequently asked questions Guidance notes for schools, colleges and support staff Blogs
Contact us More information on the School Sport Survey can be found on You can keep up to date with Sport Wales' work via: Our website Twitter @sport_wales Facebook