Children’s Health Insurance Program MO Healthnet for Kids An important component in how Missouri covers kids. 2
CHIP and Medicaid Total enrollment in the United State of children on Medicaid or CHIP just over 74 million up from 56 million from before the Affordable Care Act In Missouri, we cover 961,00 people up from 846,000 before the ACA. Approximately 621K are children and about 80K through CHIP Show Me Healthy Babies covers about 20K unborn children on CHIP Sits on top of Medicaid for families from 150 to 300 FPL with families in higher incomes paying a premium Feds pay 94% of the costs of CHIP in MO 3
SCHIP to CHIP Was created in 1997 Sponsored by Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator Orin Hatch It is a block grant program not an entitlement Reauthorized in 2009 under President Obama and changed the name to CHIP The program expired in September of 2017 Funds will run out for states this year. MO has enough money to continue until June of this year 4
Caps/Block Grants Work Requirements 5 5
Under that scenario, no eligibility group would be protected from cuts. This chart shows the distribution of Medicaid enrollees in Missouri in FY 2016 and the estimated portion of total spending that the different eligibility groups make up. As shown, though they comprise just one-fourth of the total enrollees, about 65 percent of Missouri’s Medicaid funding is used to provide services for seniors and Missourians with disabilities. Under a block grant or per capita cap it is very likely that these groups would have to bear at least some of the required cuts. Also, because child eligibility is fairly generous in Missouri, and kids make up a large portion of Medicaid patients, it also likely that kids could face severe cuts. In fact, we are hearing rumblings that state lawmakers are already discussing limiting child eligibility to 200% FPL 6 6
Benefits of Coverage for Children 7
Benefits of CHIP vs Private Insurance Lower out of pocket costs Many employers don’t offer family coverage Early Preventative Screening Diagnosis and Treatment or EPSDT 8
Still waiting... Congress needs to act Changing cost estimates from CBO Previous estimate of $8.2 billion for 5 years have adjusted to $800 million Newest CBO estimate for 10 years show savings of $6 billion We are hoping for action as soon as this week Call your Congress member to urge passage! 9
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