Grade Level meeting Friday, Nov. 17, 2017 Ocoee Middle Larry Bell Grade Level meeting Friday, Nov. 17, 2017 Ocoee Middle
Message to OMS
OMS 12 Powerful Words videos
Reading - Writing - Math UNRAAVEL Strategy Reading - Writing - Math
ABCs of Testing… “OMS Mantra” OMSs of testing -- ideas ??? Organize thoughts. Only your paper. Observe instructions. Make connections. Make sleep a priority. Make a 100! Shh!..stay quiet. Study & prepare. Stay on task/focused.
BUILDING ACADEMIC ENDURANCE… 7 things to do to a test… Include Writing Prompts. Reading passages - cite text evidence/ paragraph numbers... Complete sentence answers. Justify answers for Multiple Choice & Multiple Select. (Tell why or why nots…) Ask for multiple pathways to the answer (Math…) Add “WHAT ELSE” HAVE YOU LEARNED...section. Essay questions.
ENDURANCE for TESTING... ELA: Subpart 1: 85 minutes (Writing) Total: 230 minutes MATH: Subpart 1: 40 minutes Subpart 2: 35 minutes Total: 125 minutes Science: Subpart 1: 48 minutes Subpart 2: 47 minutes Total: 95 minutes Social Studies: Subpart 1: 50 minutes Subpart 2: 50 minutes Total: 100 minutes
25% RULE Take 25% of information from last test & incorporate it into current task. Reinforcing Learning... FINISHER RULE: Sit still facing forward… or Explain why not chosen answers are incorrect… Formulate evidence for chosen answers… Predict result of this test, describing why. 50% RULE Take not only 25% of info from last test, but also 25% go back to ALL tests & apply to current test. RECURSIVE...
Released STATE TEST ITEMS UTILIZE these… from Tennessee &/or other states. To help support students evaluation of questions and infer meanings in order to formulate correct answers. Students become comfortable with the compare & contrast of state test questions vs. teacher made. HOW? As starters/bell ringers. Incorporate one on each test/quiz. Apply UNRAAVEL.
“Three Power Questions” Student Survey Ms. Lawson will create an online Google survey for students to complete when finished with STAR test in their ELA class. What are you most afraid will trip you up on the state test in subject(s) this year? What is very different about test day that you despise the most? What would you like to see teachers do every day that would help you pass the state test? *GIVES STUDENTS OWNERSHIP OF THEIR LEARNING.
“Good Googa Mooga” = Classroom Culture & Celebrations “Every score is a child!” “If you change one change generations.” “Every child is America’s future!”
On right - School Climate Survey Links BCS CLIMATE SURVEY Please COMPLETE before you leave this meeting… On right - School Climate Survey Links Locate Ocoee Middle - Select Teacher survey *If you are a parent of a Bradley County School student, you may also do the parent survey for the respective school.