Population Issues in India
Current Population 1.24 billion 2nd largest (Surpass China by 2030)
Population Density 17% of world’s population – 2% of world’s land area 73.9 % in villages 26.1% in cities
Attempts at Planning 1950s -Available birth control 1970s -School curriculum -Forced sterilization 1980s -Encourage 2 child policy -Family planning programs Ex. Health centers, Women’s Club ***Most successful
Causes of Growth Medicines Curative/preventive Decrease deaths Refugees Bangladesh: severe poverty, natural disasters, military rule Burma: Military rule Sri Lanka: Civil War
Causes of Growth cont. Cultural Issues Marry young - 18 If sterilize, after 4 kids Have kids until 2 sons born
Why Sons? Use for labor Security in old age Carry on family line
What happens to the daughters? Abortions Infanticide Unbalanced population http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpHefGU75b8
Effects of Overpopulation Environmentally Deplete soil, forests, land Depletion of fresh water sources
Effects of Overpopulation cont. Socially Malnutrition HIV/AIDS spread fast Poverty-slows economic development