Caesar Augustus Handout HOMEWORK Chapter 34.5 Questions Caesar Augustus Handout DO NOW: Complete the questions and vocabulary sections at the end of the Julius Caesar play
Caesar’s Murder
Expansion During the Final Years of the Republic The final years of the Republic were marked by more wars. In one civil war, 200,000 romans were killed Many allies of Rome were not happy paying taxes and serving in the army while not fully being citizens After a rebellion in 91 BC, Rome allowed all free Italians to become Roman citizens
Slave Revolts As Rome kept conquering other lands, it kept bringing in more slaves. These slaves would work on farms and in the cities Romans treated slaves very poorly because they took away jobs from the working class
Spartacus A slave named Spartacus led a famous revolt in 73 BC, but it ended in failure After crushing his army and killing Spartacus, the romans killed off the remaining survivors who had declared themselves loyal to Spartacus
Julius Caesar vs. Pompey Pompey had expanded Rome’s rule to Syria and Cyprus while Caesar had conquered much of Gaul Both men wanted to control Rome, however Pompey had the support of the Roman senate while Caesar was commanding his troops in northern Italy
Julius Caesar Vs. Pompey Pompey pressured the Senate to not allow Caesar to return to Rome, but Caesar disobeyed the order On January 11th, 49 BC, Caesar moved his army southward towards Rome and battled Pompey for three years until Caesar achieved victory
Caesar becomes a dictator Out of fear of what Caesar what might do to them, the Senate names Caesar dictator for life and informally ended the republic Caesar introduced many new ideas including giving people jobs, making gladiator fights free to watch, and a calendar system that is still used today
Caesar and the Ides of March A short time after he became dictator, Caesar was betrayed by some of the Senators of Rome, who murdered him on March 15, 44 BC The conspirators who killed Caesar thought they were saving the republic, but the republic would soon become a thing of the past
Augustus Caesar
Chapter 34.5 Questions