Influential Romans Challenge for leadership Pompey: patrician or nobleman Had much of the support of the Roman Senate
Influential Romans Challenge for leadership Crassus: Also a Patrician optimate, but with less support among Senate Military hero Considered wealthiest man in Rome
Influential Romans Challenge for leadership Julius Caesar: Popular Came from one of the oldest families in Rome Opposed by the Senate and friends with Crassus
FIRST TRIUMVIRATE Pompey and Crassus were consuls of Rome Stripped much power from Senate They decided to make Julius Caesar a Consul without power Caesar did not trust Pompey or Crassus any association of three in office or authority (definition of Triumvirate)
Caesar Returns After leaving Rome, Caesar returns to gain total control of the government Pompey declares himself sole Consul and orders Caesar to disband his army and return to Rome Crassus dies during a military campaign in 53 BC
Caesar’s Control Pompey is not supported by the common people because they support Caesar Pompey ends up fleeing to Rome and is followed by Caesar
Caesar Becomes Dicatator (49-44 BC) He takes total control of the government and becomes dictator for life Julius Caesar makes use of popular prejudices and false claims in order to gain power (a demogogue)
Caesar’s Power Senate fears his reforms and tries to convince the people that Caesar was trying to restore the kingship The Senate hates him Majority begins to support Caesar
CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: JULIUS CAESAR Gained territory for Rome, sent money back to help improve and for common people Conqueror and politician Given honor of ruling as long as he lived Married to Calpurnia Did not have children (so they say)
CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: MARCUS BRUTUS Married to Portia (father killed himself rather than live under Caesar’s rule) Descendant of Lucius Brutus Idealist, enjoyed reading and study Liked Caesar but feared ambition Supported Pompey, had once fought against Caesar
CHARCACTER DESCRIPTION: CAIUS CASSIUS Quick tempered, practical Brutus’s brother-in-law ( Portia’s brother) Supported Pompey against Caesar Held a grudge against Caesar
CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: MARK ANTONY Famous for his “wild living” Fought under Caesar Held public office Supported Caesar’s schemes Understood instability of commoners and how could sway their emotions