“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less” -General Eric Shinseki, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
Industry Transformation Technology Markets Distributions Carriers Products
HCB2020 Think Tank Chase Allen Lance Barton Michael Pariano David Bernaus John Riggs Nancy Hanson Mike Sapyta Steve Kampwerth Chris Soniat Anthony Lancaster Wilma Turner Teague Wright
Financial Cultural Operational Distribution Markets Technology
PC – $150M NHOR - $50M Net Revenue - $65.5M EBITDA - $8.2M (12.5% of net revenue) Average SVP NHOR - $425,000
Customer Intimacy Inclusivity Performance Management Career Management Sales Culture
Client Facing User Friendly One HCB with local emphasis Efficient Performance managed Maximized Technology
Diversification is Key Banks – Wires P & C IBD Closely Aligned/Independent UHNW Click Call Transactional
We will remain a leader Business Intelligence Business Management Business Processing Click – Call CRM fully integrated
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