(Introduction to Forensic Science) Tuesday August 23, 2016 (Introduction to Forensic Science)
Find the 11 differences between the two pictures. The Daily CSI Tuesday, 8/23/16 Spot the Differences Find the 11 differences between the two pictures.
The answers are … Source: http://www.smart-kit.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/ballon-spot-the-difference.jpg
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Forensic Science An Introduction
What is Forensic Science? In its broadest definition, forensic science is the application of science to criminal and civil laws The subject matter of this course emphasizes the application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system.
Beginnings In ancient Rome, the news of the day was announced in the forum, a community meeting for merchants, politicians, scholars and citizens. The forum also doubled as a court for public justice. The word “forensic” comes from the Latin word forum. Forensic Science (criminalistics) is therefore defined as the application of scientific disciplines to the law.
Science and Law In the past, communities were close-knit and travel was only as far as you could walk. Witnessing and solving a crime was easy. Today, mobility has become more advanced and eyewitnesses are less reliable. The Law and technology were forced to pair up to keep pace with society.
New Forensics Techniques New techniques that help identify criminals include: Fingerprinting Firearms identification and gunshot residue analysis Hair and fiber studies Blood typing DNA analysis Scientific evidence must be widely accepted in order to be admitted into court.
Scientific Milestones Advancing Forensic Science Several scientific advancements have pushed forensics forward: Microscopes help investigators see evidence in greater detail than ever. Photography give investigators a clearer representation of the crime scene. The understanding of ballistics help investigators determine where a bullet may have come from. The discovery of blood typing and DNA analysis help investigators match suspects to crime scenes.
Basic Forensic Services Basic crime scene forensics services include: Evidence collection Photography Evidence storage Lab services include: Trace evidence Firearms identification Document Examination Fingerprint examination