Fisheries measures in Swedish MPAs Government assignment Status inventory Action plan Anna Karlsson
Government assignment SwAM should identify and ensure that measures are taken in order to achieve the conservation objectives in marine protected areas, particularly with regard to fisheries that is harmful in relation to the conservation objectives of these areas. In November 2014, SwAM presented a progress report, including a timetable for further work, according to the Government assignment. 11/24/2018 Presentation title Name
Status inventory of MPAs in Sweden - fisheries Fisheries data per MPA (gear type, species, intensity) Impact matrix (gear type/habitat) Expert judgement by County Administrative Boards 11/24/2018 Presentation title Name
Impact matrix 11/24/2018 Presentation title Name
Action plan Out of 300 MPAs in Sweden, there is a need for fisheries regulation in 30 MPAs In 20 of these MPAs fisheries will be regulated by national legislation In 10 of these regulation within the CFP 11/24/2018 Presentation title Name
Ongoing work National fisheries legislation: Common fisheries policy: Fisheries measures have already been implemented in three of the 20 concerned MPAs Common fisheries policy: Work is ongoning in developing a joint recommendation for one MPA; Bratten, together with the concerned member states; Denmark and Germany 11/24/2018 Presentation title Name
Common Fisheries Policy, CFP Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 Articles 11 and 18 - Conservation measures necessary for compliance with obligations under Union environmental legislation - Initiating Member State - Member States having a direct management interest - Joint recommendation ToR North Sea FISH-ENVI technical expert group When developing joint recommendations we are working within the framework of the common fisheries policy articles 11 and 18. Important features in this process are that you should implement ”Conservation measures necessary for compliance with obligations under Union environmental legislation”, There is also the importance of the role of the “initiating member state” and the question of who will be the concerned member state “Member States having a direct management interest “ When developing a joint recommendation an important document to take into account is the “ToR North Sea FISH-ENVI technical expert group”, and the corresponding document within BaltFish(Baltic region) since this clarifies how to run the process when developing conservation measures within the CFP.
Ongoing process Invitation Pre-consultation meeting 1 July Meeting with national NGOs (fisheries and environment) Pre-consultation 10 September 2015 Preliminary dates set for Ad-hoc group meetings 25 September 21 October 18 November 9 December Meeting with North Sea Advisory Council 13 November 2015 There is an intensive process going on right now involving consultations with both stakeholders (NGOs and North Sea Advisory Council) and concerned member states. We also have an ongoing dialogue with the Commission both DG Envi and DG Mare. Here are some dates where we started with an invitation to a Pre-consultation meeting on the 1 July Pre-consultation meeting was held on the 10 September 2015 Preliminary dates set for Ad-hoc group meetings have been held on 25 September and the 21 October Upcoming is the meeting on the18 November and on the 9 December