Livestock Anatomy Basic Animal Industry AFNR-BAS-9: Define major components of the animal industry and outline the development of the resulting products, services, and careers.
Cattle Anatomy
back withers chine loin rump crops poll tailhead neck thurl forehead hook pin heart girth face tail flank thigh nose throat muzzle stifle switch shoulder dewlap elbow brisket milk veins chest floor teats fore udder forearm knee hock cannon dewclaw fetlock pastern hoof
Horse Anatomy
poll crest forehead neck bridge of nose withers point of hip croup back tailhead or dock loin heart girth muzzle cheek nostril throat latch thigh shoulder point of shoulder flank barrel chest elbow stifle hock forearm chestnut knee gaskin cannon toe of hoof fetlock ergot pastern coronet heel
Swine Anatomy
shoulder rump loin back tail neck poll ear side snout ham nostrils stifle cheek jowls rearflank belly elbow hock teats knee foreflank cannon dewclaw toe
Lamb Anatomy
poll forehead top of shoulder neck face rump loin rack dock muzzle crops throat hip shoulder leg breast or brisket stifle elbow belly rear flank foreshank hock foreflank knee cannon fetlock pastern hoof toe
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