The Brothers Grimm
Who are the Grimm Brothers? Jacob Ludwig Grimm Wilhelm Carl Grimm 1786-1859 1785-1863
The Grimm’s Birthplace
The Facts Grimm’s primary method for collecting tales was by inviting story tellers to their homes and writing the information down Story tellers consisted of young educated woman from middle class to aristocracy
The Grimms wanted people to know the basic truths about the customs and practices of German culture, and they wanted to preserve German oral tradition.
Why Did German Folklore Need Protection? NAPOLEON !
Why Did German Folklore Need Protection? French Empire French Satellite States French Allied States
Their Achievements The Grimm brothers produced a significant amount of books during their lifetime Jacob Grimm published 21 Wilhelm Grimm published 14 Together the brothers published 8
Interesting Things To Know “Children’s and Household Tales” came second only to the Bible as the best seller in Germany and remains that way today There are theme parks, films, books, and plays dedicated to the brothers Grimm
Their Intentions The Grimm’s were writers of violent vivid imagery Their fairy tales would allow us to work through our fears Also the Grimm’s wanted to teach people lessons on moral values “Right & Wrong” The number one message that people were to gain out of their stories was… “Children should use their brains to overcome any situation”
Some fairy tales Aschenputtel…. Cinderella Schneewitchen… Snow White Rumpelstilzchen Rotkappchen… Little Red Riding Hood Hansel und Gretel…. Hansel and Gretel Dornröschen….. Sleeping Beauty
The Fairy Tale Road ambles for 370 miles through German Landscapes That evoke dreams-and nightmares.
Some stories with Violent Themes Snow White Cinderella Red Riding Hood The Goose Girl Hansel and Gretel Sleeping Beauty
Little Red Riding Hood
Illustrations of Snow White Grimm’s Snow White Disney’s Snow White
Illustrations of the Grimm’s Cinderella
Walt Disney Today's versions of children's stories are toned down I’m Rich. Today's versions of children's stories are toned down Its more of a “Happily Ever After” theme It was made so children wouldn’t have fear or nightmares
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