American Revolution Timeline 1660’s Navigation Acts (law) These laws limited the colonies to trade only with England. It was often ignored and not enforced. (leads to smuggling)
American Revolution Timeline 1690’s The Enlightenment Philosopher John Locke says that life, liberty and property are natural rights that cannot be taken away by government.
American Revolution Timeline 1700’s Salutary Neglect The period of time when England was too busy and seldom enforced its rules on the Colonies.
American Revolution Timeline 1740’s Great Awakening Religious revival in the colonies that encouraged colonists to question authority and think for themselves.
American Revolution Timeline 1754 Seven Years War The war between England & the colonists versus the French and Indians. Winning leaves England with a huge debt.
American Revolution Timeline 1763 Proclamation of 1763 King George III tells the colonists they cannot move west after winning the Seven Years War
American Revolution Timeline 1765 Stamp Act King George & Parliament pass a tax on the colonies (paper, cards, & dice). They say, “No taxation, without representation.”
American Revolution Timeline 1767 Townshend Act Parliament adds a tax on glass, paint, lead, and tea. The colonists boycott and form the Sons of Liberty and Daughters of Liberty.
American Revolution Timeline 1770 Boston Massacre Five colonists are killed by British soldiers. They were protesting the tax collectors and searches of their homes.
American Revolution Timeline 1773 Tea Act / Boston Tea Party The colonists protest the selling of tea that hurts American merchants. They throw the English tea into Boston Harbor.
American Revolution Timeline 1774 Intolerable Acts King George III punishes the colony of Massachusetts. He closes the port , restricts meetings, and allows soldiers to live in the colonists homes.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Lexington & Concord The Sons of Liberty call for the Minutemen to collect weapons and gunpowder to arm their militias.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Lexington & Concord The first fight between the Minutemen and the Red Coats . Paul Revere warns, “The British are coming!”
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Lexington & Concord The Americans lose eight Minutemen, but the British lose 73 soldiers, with 200 wounded or missing. All hopes of peace between the colonies and the mother country are lost.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Second Continental Congress The colonists meet in Philadelphia and send the Olive Branch Petition to King George III, declaring Their loyalty to him and Asking him to repeal the Intolerable Acts.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Second Continental Congress The king accuses the colonists Of starting a war to create Their own “independent Empire.” He sends 20,000 Troops to the colonies To crush the revolt.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Fort Ticonderoga Ethan Allen leads the Green Mountain Boys on an Attack against the British Fort at the southern Tip of Lake Champlain
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Fort Ticonderoga The colonists win a valuable Supply of cannons and Gunpowder. The Americans Also gain control of a key Route into Canada.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 The Continental Army The Second Continental Congress creates a Continental Army and Gives George Washington Command of the army.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 The Continental Army The Continental Army is Poorly organized and Untrained, and it must Face one of the toughest Armies in the world.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill The Patriots, led by Col. William Prescott, take positions on Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill To fire on British ships in Boston Harbor. British troops, Led by Gen. Howe, eventually Force the Patriots to retreat.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill The British sustain 1,000 casualties, And the Patriots sustain 400, Proving that the Americans can Stand up to the British.
American Revolution Timeline 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill King George III orders a blockade (shutting of a port to keep people Or supplies from moving in or out) Of all colonial ports.
American Revolution Timeline 1776 “Common Sense” Thomas Paine publishes “Common Sense,” arguing that the colonies Owe no loyalty to England, since England’s only interest in the Colonies is a selfish one (Mercantilism).
American Revolution Timeline 1776 “Common Sense” The Continental Congress is Persuaded to declare independence From England.
American Revolution Timeline 1776 Declaration of Independence At the Second Continental Congress, Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration which separates the colonies from England. It is signed, July 4, 1776.
American Revolution Timeline 1776 Battle of Long Island British Gen. Howe, with 34,000 soldiers And 10,000 sailors, lands on Long Island. He forces Gen. Washington And the American troops to retreat North.
American Revolution Timeline 1776 Battle of Long Island The Americans have 1,400 casualties. The Americans are outnumbered and poorly Trained. Many Americans believe that the War cannot be won.
American Revolution Timeline 1776 Battle of Trenton, New Jersey Gen Washington and the Patriot troops Cross the Delaware River in darkness and Surprise the Hessian mercenaries (troops England had hired from Germany to fight The Patriots.
American Revolution Timeline 1776 Battle of Trenton, New Jersey The Patriots defeat the Hessians, taking Many prisoners. The victory gives many Americans much needed hope, and many Men join Washington’s troops the next Spring.
American Revolution Timeline 1777 Battle of Saratoga The Americans win this Battle in New York which convinces France to join their side. It is the turning point of the war.
American Revolution Timeline Winter 1777-8 Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Patriot troops starved and froze through a long, cold winter. Morale was low as the troops suffered. Baron von Steuben used the time to train Gen. Washington’s troops, while women like Martha Washington provided food and clothing For the soldiers and tended to the ill. This was The American army’s bleakest hour.
American Revolution Timeline Jan. 1781 The Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina Patriot Gen. Nathanael Greene and Gen. Francis Marion used guerrilla warfare (hit-and-run tactics) To win a battle against the British, who had Invaded the South in order to make use of the Loyalists there.
American Revolution Timeline Jan. 1781 The Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina There were heavy losses on both sides, but the Patriots proved that guerrilla warfare could be An effective tactic against British troops.
American Revolution Timeline 1781 Yorktown The location in Virginia where British General Cornwallis is surrounded by George Washington’s army and is forced to Surrender. This ends the American Revolution.
American Revolution Timeline 1783 The Treaty of Paris of 1783 The Revolutionary War officially ends. Britain Recognizes U.S. independence. The U.S. gains All the land From the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. Its northern border stops at the Great Lakes, and its southern border stops at Florida. Florida is returned to Spain. Congress Ratifies (approves) the treaty.