Had Better
What are modals? Auxiliary verbs Might Had better Can May Must Could Shall Ought to Should Will Would
Why do we use modals? obligations suggestions advise expectations Norsarihan/lang description_2011
Use Should to offer advise Should means…it would be a good idea. You should eat something you are hungry. You should read a book and turn off the television. They should stop being so loud. We should have a party at the beach. Norsarihan/lang description_2011
Could or might are more gentle than should…. You could read a book. They might like the movie. We could buy some candy. I might play basketball. He could win your blue marble.
You use Had better for a WARNING! RECOMMENDATIONS, or DESPERATION. You had better bring your portfolio with you today. recommendation That bus had better get here soon! desperate hope You had better watch the way you talk to me in the future! warning Norsarihan/lang description_2011
Had better…for a warning! Use “had better” to give a warning that something bad will happen if the advise is not followed. You had better study tonight or you might fail the test. He had better go home now or he will be in trouble!
Norsarihan/lang description_2011 Structure Should + S + Base Verb? S + Had Better + Base Verb You had better unplug the toaster before you try to clean it. S + Had Better + not + Base Verb You had better not clean the toaster until you unplug it. Remember: Modals are always followed by the Base Verb. Norsarihan/lang description_2011
Let’s Practice! Work in groups to make sentences.
You’d better not miss the train.
She’d Better hurry up.
We’d Better Leave Now.
You’d better not make a mess.
You’d better not make a mess.
Let’s Practice! Work in groups to make as many sentences with had better as possible. You must include a reason. EX: You’d better bring an umbrella because it’s going to rain. You’d better study or you’ll fail. You have 5 minutes.