Green Seal Green Office Partnership
Green Seal Background Green Seal is a non-profit organization that uses science-based programs to empower consumers, purchasers, and companies to create a more sustainable world. 501 (c)(3) science-based non-profit founded in 1989 Environmental mission with focus on products, services, purchasing, operations Certification program encompasses nearly 400 product and service categories Institutional greening program focuses on purchasing and facilities management
Green Office Partnership: Purpose Offers a program that assists offices in reducing their environmental impacts using practicable solutions. Program focuses on operations offices can control. Implementation will not only have environmental benefits, but will also be an educational opportunity for employees and add to the office’s bottom line.
Green Office Partnership: Overview Program consists of three parts: Initial Checklist and Review by Office Manager (1-3 hours) On-site Evaluation by Green Seal staff followed by Report and Recommendations (1-2 hours) Employee Presentation by Green Seal staff (1 hour) Program allows for additional assistance, if requested
Focus Areas for Evaluation Waste reduction and recycling Office supplies IT equipment and management Kitchen/Pantry supplies Office operations (i.e. coordination with building management) Transportation Staff education
National Stone, Sand, & Gravel Association Met all required criteria for the program Met 74% of total options Highlights: Well-labeled recycling program, reusable kitchen supplies, IT procedures Improvements: Added paper recycling boxes, double-sided printing, and recycled-content paper Can also look at other paper products or soaps
Waste Reduction & Recycling in the U.S. 63% of office paper, newspaper, and cardboard was recovered for recycling 8% of the plastic waste generated was recovered for recycling 27% of glass bottles were recovered for recycling 50% of aluminum cans were recovered for recycling Source: U.S. EPA 2010
Develop Waste Reduction & Recycling Program Review current waste and recycling practices Develop recommendations for improving program Are there enough recycling bins? Are recycling bins clearly marked? Are they in the optimal locations? Inform employees about what can be recycled Ask for feedback to determine if there are other, or better, locations
Office Supplies Review current procurement Develop prioritization, starting with largest purchases Copier/printing paper, notepads, envelopes, and folders are typically the largest purchases Followed by: ink and toner disposable kitchen/pantry products (cups, plates, silverware) sanitary paper products (napkins, tissue, paper towel) Find environmentally-preferable options
IT Equipment & Management Contact IT administrator to determine the following capabilities of IT equipment and systems Can equipment have default setting to sleep when not in use? Can computers be turned off over night? Are printers/copiers set for double-sided printing by default? When purchasing new equipment, purchase energy efficient options EPEAT and ENERGY STAR rating Recycle or donate old IT equipment Recycle e-waste (CDs, DVDs, batteries, flash-drives, mobile phones, etc.)
Office Operations Are lights turned off when conference rooms and offices are not in use? Can motion sensors be retrofitted? Are HVAC units turned off when office is not in operation? Are there programmable thermostats that can be set to turn up/down (based on season) when the office is not in operation?
Transportation Do you support sustainable travel? i.e. public transit, bicycling, or carpools Is teleworking feasible? Is equipment and procedures in place for teleconferencing or webconferencing?
Staff Education Appointing a green leader or green team Train new employees in proper procedures Include green information in employee resource guides
Recognition Offices that meet all the mandatory criteria are recognized as a Green Seal Green Office Partner Offices receive a certificate of recognition Our marketing department also works with Partners on graphics, talking points, and promotion
Status of the Program Checklist has 55 total criteria with 18 required criteria to earn Partner status Currently 16 Green Office Partners from a variety of industries and associations Partnerships now available for any office nationwide
Fees Partnership evaluation fee based on office size Partnership is valid for 2 years Starts at $550 Renewal of Partnership Every 2 years Starts at $250
Contact Info: More information available at: Ben Walsh Project Coordinator 202-697-4166