Computing Educations How do I get there?
At Chemeketa
IS / IT Chemeketa CIS Department Focus areas Certificates 2 year degree AAS in Computer Systems & Information Technology Focus areas Computer Programming Computer Support Specialist Systems Administration Web Developer Network Management and Security
CIS 4 year IS/IT options CIS Info: Mandy Reininger OIT : can do lots of classes for degree here – PLAN AHEAD WOU : With AAOT – take CIS courses, transfer into BA (Bachelor of Arts) With AAS – eligible for AB (applied bachelor's degree) CIS Info: Mandy Reininger
CS 2 year program – ASOT-CS or AAOT Designed to transfer into 4 year schools for: Computer Science Software Engineering CS Info: Andrew Scholer
Engineering 2 year transfer program Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering (and others) Info:
4 Year Schools
The choices Common OUS schools: OSU Western OIT PSU Oregon