Definition Practice Guidelines Case Scenarios Confidentiality Definition Practice Guidelines Case Scenarios
Confidentiality Information obtained during crisis contacts are confidential. It is protected health information under HIPPA. We do not share information about the individuals we serve without permission to do so. No social media posts No swapping “war stories” with friends No sharing of documentation* *{caveat: there are instances when confidentiality may be broken}
Confidentially Can it be broken? YES, in special circumstances without permission of the individual who is in crisis. When? During active crisis situations With whom? Other professionals/community partners Supports (friends, families) who are involved What? How much? Pertinent information related to the case at hand Summary of mental health history and other risk factors
Documentation and Confidentiality Handwritten notes are confidential and should be shredded. *Mobile Workers keep notes in a secure location for 48 hours, then shred. Documentation requests post-crisis are completed through the County Department. Documentation requests amidst-crisis: Able to share response plans with community partners. With Jails, able to share whole assessment per practice. Information being sought post-crisis can be shared if person requesting was involved during crisis. If not, defer to County Department.
Case Scenario – SHARE or Defer? Jordyn is 21 year old who was hospitalized yesterday for homicidal ideations and paranoid delusions. No family members were involved as they were not identified as supports. Jordyn’s mother calls NWC asking why her daughter was hospitalized and is seeking information about next steps. DEFER – the mother was not involved in the case and Jordyn is an adult. Deputy Jackman calls seeking the outcome of a case he worked on yesterday with NWC regarding an adolescent male who was interested in voluntary hospitalization. You are the crisis worker who worked with Deputy Jackman but read in the report Deputy Jackman was involved in the call. SHARE – law enforcement was involved in the case.
Case Scenario – SHARE or Defer? Ahmed is a School Counselor who is seeking a copy of the written assessment completed on his student from two weeks ago as he explains the student is “decompensating” and wanting to use the assessment as “proof to family” that their child needs intervention. Ahmed learned of the crisis contact through the student. DEFER – NWC is not the holder of records, plus not involved in original contact. Mona is calling seeking a copy of her assessment to bring to her therapy appointment tomorrow to discuss how she feeling then versus now. DEFER – NWC is not the holder of records.
Case Scenario – SHARE or Defer? Jail Captain Evenson called to confirm that the assessment completed on an inmate will be faxed to the jail. SHARE – fax whole assessment by end of shift Nurse Manager Samson requests that the response plan be faxed to the hospital before the patient is discharged home. SHARE – inform that the response plan will be faxed by end of shift Lucinda is the grandmother who was involved in a community support plan last evening. She is requesting to know what hospital was considering her granddaughter for admission. SAHRE – verbal information