Chapter 4 review
Chapter 4 Culture- A total way of life held in common by a group of people, including learned features such as language; ideology, technology, behavior and government
Types of Culture Local- collective community with a unique culture Popular- heterogeneous, always changing, everywhere. Folk- homogeneous, isolated, traditional
Assimilation- the process in which immigrants become totally integrated into the host culture. Placelessness- loss of uniqueness in the landscape. One place looks like the next.
Types of Culture Material Culture The things a group of people construct, such as art, houses, clothing, sports, dance, and food. Nonmaterial Culture The beliefs, practices, aesthetics, and values of a group of people.
What Stops Diffusion Cultural barriers- occur in society to keep cultural traits from spreading. Ex. Islam forbids alcohol
Commodification Taking an object that couldn’t be bought and sold and making it into a commodity that can be bought and sold.
Authenticity How true to the culture is this commodity?
Diffusion With Distance Decay, the likelihood of diffusion decreases as time and distance from the hearth increases With Time-Space Compression, the likelihood of diffusion depends upon the connectedness among places.
Cultural Landscape The visible human imprint on the landscape. How have people changed the landscape?