Stakeholders engagement in urban freight projects: the design and monitoring framework Schoemaker, Laparidou, Oesterle, Menge, Aditjandra, Vaghi, Zunder, Leonardi, Carnaby
PPP in urban freight: FQP City authorities Residents Visitors Retails/Shops Business entities Business associations Freight shippers Universities/Colleges, etc.
Logical Framework Approach Identify problem(s) Identify key stakeholders Clarify their interests Comprehend their perception Specify their resources Outline their mandate Source: ADB, 2007
Road to Logframe – a DMF Matrix Source: ADB, 2007
Como: a city of high touristic attraction with the revitalisation of “Merci in Centro” and LTZ agenda Top map is Como convalle issues Bottom city map is the geographic coverage of the LTZ illustrated in red and green; the area in red indicates the città murata, i.e. the inner historical centre. Source: Como City Council and Google Earth
Limited Traffic Zone (LTZ) and “Merci in Centro” – Focused DMF process in Como Completed stakeholder template interest by key stakeholders (certainly in Italian) Alternative analysis during round table discussion – first round consultation process with key stakeholders Stakeholder consultation analysis presentation Workshop 1 October 2012 Workshop 2 February 2013 Problem Tree Roundtable 1 November 2012 DMF Matrix March 2013 Public Consultation on urban freight Key stakeholders roundtable discussions Limited Traffic Zone (LTZ) and “Merci in Centro” – Focused Constructed from Workshop 2 Output Roundtable 2 December 2012 Revitalisation of “Merci in Centro” Limited Traffic Zone regulation (LTZ)
Problem Tree – Cause I
Berlin: capital of Germany with an enforced environmental zone with “BEHALA” use agenda Green sticker ratio increased by 40% for Heavy Goods Vehicles Source: Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Environment
Performance Targets / indicators Data sources / Reporting Mechanisms Berlin DMF Matrix Design Summary Performance Targets / indicators Data sources / Reporting Mechanisms Assumptions / Risks Uptake of alternative and electric vehicles in urban freight transport in Berlin. Increased number of (hybrid-) electric vehicles in the City of berlin for freight. Vehicle registrations; Traffic data sources, e.g. traffic counts (that allow distinction between propulsion type). A: Continuing support for urban freight policy; Acceptance by cargo receivers; R: Change of governance with lack of political support; Failure to convince commercial players of the commercial viability of the solution. Supportive political framework; Improving market conditions; Implementing vehicle telematics solutions. Number of accepted measures; Lower life cycle costs for HEV/EVs; Create successful HEV with IT solutions prototype. Municipality regulation (city website); Study reports and company quotations on life cycle cost; Study reports and company quotations on benefits of IT solutions. A: Accepted regulatory framework; R: Failure to pass legal or political requirements for regulation A: Considering all factors for calculating life cycle costs; A: Successful implementation; R: Unexpected delays during the implementation phase. Political framework setting; Demonstration of the commercial viability; Demonstration of environmental benefits. Number of suggested policies; Lower transport cost/km; increased volume transported by HEV; Lower noise level; better air quality; lower CO2; lower fuel consumption. Official publications on policy and specific measures; Operator cost statements and transport reports; Results on noise and local air pollution metering or modelling results; Operator statements on fuel consumption; citizen feedback and media reflections. A: there will be measures to support uptake of HEV; R: limited political will (e.g. gas lobbies) A: Successful test; R: Not commercially viable uncertainty; R: missing monitoring indicators. A: Environmental benefit achieved. Impact Outcome Output
Newcastle: a medium size compact historic city – a University town with green agenda via City FQP, UCC, LEZ Source: Tyne & Wear Local Transport Plan
Logframe outputs - Interventions Clean Vehicles Correctly Parked Freight Vehicles Co-ordinated freight deliveries A - Better signage & Delivery Maps B - Supplier Self-consolidation C – Urban Consolidation Centre D - University Consolidation Centre E - Sustainable Catering Initiatives 11/24/2018 Smartfusion
CONCLUSIONS City logistics and sustainability via PPP Adoption of clean urban freight technologies Logical Framework Approach in DMF form Engagement of different stakeholders from the very beginning Modification of practices in DMF process Future research on evaluation of the DMF implementation
NewRail Freight & Logistics Research Group, Newcastle University, UK Contact details NewRail Freight & Logistics Research Group, Newcastle University, UK Thomas H Zunder FCILT MCIPS Dr Paulus T Aditjandra MCILT MCIHT Bruce Carnaby 24/11/2018 Smartfusion