Key Stage 4 Options Evening March 2018
Aims of this session: How the option process works. What is compulsory (the core) and what is optional. Which subjects and qualifications are offered at Key Stage Four.
The Options Process Option information assemblies Options booklet and pathway letter ‘Taster lessons’ at lunch-time Subject presentations in assemblies and lessons Year 8 Parents’ Evening. Yr9 and Yr10 pupils presenting to tutor groups Options Evening Option forms to be handed in on 19 March
Core Subjects- taken by everyone Everyone in Year 9 will take the subjects listed below and because everyone takes them they are referred to as CORE subjects: Exam subjects Non- exam subjects English Language Physical Education English Literature Skills for Life Mathematics Religious Education Combined Science or Triple Science You all do these – so referred to as Core- you will see is says Combined or Triple Science- by doing an early start we have been able to move TS to the core
Combined Science and Triple Science In Yr9, students will start working towards their Science GCSEs, the course content is very similar to start with, so a decision as to which course they are best suited to, will be made at the end of Yr9.
GCSE Courses Most GCSE courses are examined at the end of Year 11 with final (terminal) written examinations. They are graded 9-1 Some GCSE examinations include a coursework requirement and some subjects have a practical examination at the end of the course. We also offer a Vocational GCSE in Engineering.
English Baccalaureate The EBacc is not a qualification, but a government initiative that recognizes achievements across a range of selected academic qualifications: Core: Options: English Geography or History Maths French or Spanish Science Computer Science To ‘achieve’ the EBacc, you would need to attain a 4 or above in English, Maths, 2 sciences[ CS counts as a Science] and then a language and either Geography or History. Linked in with GCSEs- is something called the
Universities Currently local 6th form providers and Universities are not asking for the EBacc as an entry requirement. However, the Russell Group do refer to certain A levels [known as facilitating subjects] that are required more often than others and will give a wider choice of options at degree level. They are; Mathematics, English Literature, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History and languages.
It’s not all about the Ebacc !! Despite reforms implemented by the Department for Education over the past three years making access to creative, performing and practical subjects harder for young people. We strongly believe in the value of these subjects. We believe in a balanced curriculum that introduces and develops a wide range of skill areas to ensure stability and flexibility of learning. With that in mind, we also offer
Technical Awards/Vocational Courses We also offer non-GCSE courses. They are broad, high-quality level 1 and level 2 qualifications. They are more practical in nature and provide students with knowledge and Highly sought-after skills in preparation for post 16 study, apprenticeships and the workplace. They are mostly assessed throughout the course through written and practical assignments.
Non- GCSEs We are offering 5 vocational qualifications this year : Cambridge National Certificate in IT BTEC in Music WJEC Level 1 and 2 Award in Hospitality and Catering WJEC Level 1 and 2 Award in Construction ASDAN Level 1 Award in Employability All this information is in the options booklet which the students received at the start of the half term
Option Booklet 2018 The booklet covers the same information for each subject, at the top it will have : ART AND DESIGN Qualification GCSE [AQA] Levels available Grades 9-1 This is a valuable resource that you need to refer to and all the information you need is in the booklet
Each subject page answers the following questions: What will this course enable me to do? What will the course cover? How will I be assessed? What will this qualification help me to progress to ? Who to speak to for more information
Choices should be based on: YOUR interests YOUR future plans – if you know what they are! YOUR enjoyment of the subject Be selfish
and not on… YOUR best friend’s favourite subject who else might or might not choose the subject who YOUR favourite teacher is what YOU think will be the easiest choice
After Key Stage 4 Currently, students have to stay in education until they are 18. This could include full time education or training or workplace training. They will get a lot more information on this in Year10 and Year 11, but they may wish to consider; what sort of courses they would like to do and if they would like to stay at FitzWimarc or go to another 6th form college/school. They may wish to start looking at entry requirements. They have or will be or will do work with me in SFL on careers and myself and Mr Jolley will be talking to you in more detail on Friday about post 16 options.
Yr8 options This year the students have been placed in one of 3 pathways.The three pathways are; Red Pathway- they will choose either French or Spanish and either Geography or History, plus 2 other options. White pathway- they will choose 1 subject from French, Spanish, Geography, History or Computer Science plus 3 other options. Blue Pathway- they do Employability plus 3 other subjects. You will get a letter tonight stating which pathway you are on-
1 subject from French, Spanish, Geography, History or Computer Science A-Levels University Apprenticeships English Baccalaureate French or Spanish & Geography or History 2 other Options A-Levels BTEC Apprenticeships University 1 subject from French, Spanish, Geography, History or Computer Science 3 Other Options All have clear progression routes- all of you by your option choices can fulfil the requirements of the EBacc. You may be concerned that you have to do a language, we have looked carefully at every individual pupil and you are on the red pathway if we think you are capable of achieving a good grade, if your not on the red pathway- you can still choose to do a language Vocational Courses College Apprenticeships Employability 3 Other Options
Hospitality and Catering Physical Education GCSE Art Employability IT Business Studies Engineering Media Studies Computer Science Hospitality and Catering Music GCSE and BTEC Construction French Dance Geography Physical Education GCSE Design Technology History Religious Studies Drama Spanish
What happens after the 19 March ? All choices are analysed. Most of the students will be able to take the subjects they choose. If a single subject has not attracted enough pupils it will be closed. Students will be informed and asked to make another choice. If a subject is heavily oversubscribed, this will be discussed with you and preference may be given to students who have shown an aptitude for that subject.
This Evening Students will direct you to different parts of the school Each talk will last approximately 15 minutes Members of the SLT will be in the hall if you have any queries.