The Russian Empire Parker Cruise
Early history The Golden Horde dominated Russia and its surrounding areas before 1500. (1240’s-1480) The largest city was Moscow Center of political power Forest zone across Eurasia 1547-tsar “Third Rome” successor of Constantinople Muscovy Muscovy surrounded Moscow Princes led movement Prince Ivan IV – S and E against Kazan and Astrakhan
Despair After 1600, the empire became very poor and landlocked There was only one port to the ocean, Arkhangelsk, to the north. Blocked off by different rulers and empires other ways
Siberia Northeast Asia(strongly preferred by Russians) Thinly inhabited but with natural resources Fur Ob', the Yenisey, and the Lena Oil, gas, coal, gold, uranium, nickel, manganese, diamonds, tin, cobalt, and iron ore Merchants gave tsars contacts
Strogonov Fur Traders(wealthy) Led the Russian explorers that originally delved into Siberia heavily armed, murdered indigenous foragers Destroyed the Sabir Khanate Rivers, Pacific, Alaska Frontier with scattered forts and criminal colony 1689 Treaty of Nerchinsk
Society Empire Expanded bringing in new people Islam was more popular than Christianity (Russian speakers were Orthodox Russian) Old- farmers, hunters, architects, writers, merchants New- herders, caravans, soldiers Peasants began to work for land lords so they could acquire land Change lords Peasants were treated well Warfare caused peasants to runaway to the Cossacks or sell themselves to slavery 1649, official serfs (heriditary)
Cossacks Resided between Muscovy and the Black and Caspian seas Turkic for soldier Bands, saddle, terrifying Made temporary alliances Russia soldiers and settlers working for the Strogonovs Every major town in Siberia Camps on Amur River Fought off Sweden and Ottoman Autonomous
Peter the Great Romanov and tsar Gave Russia more power and size Away from Asian roots and towards western civ. Sophia Foreigners quarter learned about Life away from Russia Blacksmithing, carpentry, shipbuilding, war Rallied against Sophia and took control. Still a teenager
Peter’s Rule Expanding and moderation Black Sea Navy Warred with Ottomans to free Constantinople Legal protector Port of Azov 1696, 1713, SW Traveled across west Europe Reformed Russia through toleration and Trade Modern army took the Baltic sea and made direct contact for Russia to Europe. Major power
Peter’s rule cont. Built St. Petersburg, his “window on the west” Baroque style (France) Imitate Europe, beards, woman attendance, edu Merit not birth 1716, the tsar answers to no one and is over everything in the kingdom as a Christian ruler Not good for serfs
Other accomplishments of Russia Pacific NE colonized 1741, Captain Vitus Bering sailed across the straight and in to Alaska Monopoly on fur trade, entire NW coast of NA Cathrine the Great Russia beat the Ottomans and acquired the North shore of the Black Sea Poland split up three times between 1772 and 1795, Russia then expanded 600 miles W Gold, iron, timber Westernization
Works Cited Bulliet