The Books of Jeremiah and Lamentations Lesson 19: The Books of Jeremiah and Lamentations Scriptures in quotation marks are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible.
To which kingdom was Jeremiah a prophet? Judah Jeremiah began his ministry BEFORE the fall of his kingdom.
Jeremiah 1:5 – Before he was formed in the womb Jeremiah 1:6 – He said he could not speak because of his youth.
Jeremiah 4:1-2 – If Judah would repent, God would save them. Jeremiah 1:8-9 – He would put the words in Jeremiah’s mouth and He would be with him. Jeremiah 4:1-2 – If Judah would repent, God would save them.
Jeremiah 5:1 – One Romans 8:28 – God uses the bad things that happen to us for our good, just as a potter uses pressure and temperature to form a vessel.
Jeremiah 19:1-13 – Preach a sermon on judgment, break a vessel, and tell the people Judah also shall be so broken and will never be the same again. Jeremiah 26:8-16 – Kill him
Jeremiah 36:23 – He burned it. Jeremiah 39:1-8 – Jerusalem was destroyed, the king’s family killed before his eyes, and the king’s eyes were put out. Then he was put in chains and taken to Babylon.