TugSafe (Inspected Towing Vessel Electronic Decision Aid) An interactive online job aid for determining towing vessel requirements + =
TugSafe Can be used by: Benefits: Vessel owners & operators TPO’s USCG Increases productivity/efficiency. Increases accuracy/consistency: No guesswork. Convenience: Easy to find regulations/guidance. Saves resources: travel/resource/personnel costs.
TugSafe End-user provides vessel particulars GT ITC Build Date End-user provides vessel particulars Generates a custom list of vessel specific requirements based on vessel particulars Includes links (regulations, policy, guidance, etc.) Does not store, share or track any information Etc. GRT Route TugSafe Regulations Guidance Policy Etc. Vessel specific job aid
1. www.dco.uscg.mil/tvncoe/ Finding TugSafe 1. www.dco.uscg.mil/tvncoe/ 2. Towing Vessel Information 3. Subchapter M 4. Inspected Towing Vessel Decision Aid (TugSafe)
TugSafe Webpage CG Towing Vessel Contacts Start TugSafe Report TugSafe errors. Submit suggestions for improvements. etc. Changes Corrections Updates
Coast Guard Contacts
Initial Screen
End-User Input
Red asterisk (*)means no answer Input Validation … Red asterisk (*)means no answer Question asked Stored answer Click to change answer Click to save answer …
Saving and Recalling a Vessel Exporting (Saving) a vessel…on bottom of the answer validation page: Click to save answers to a text file on the local computer Importing (Recalling) a vessel…on bottom of the initial screen: Click to repopulate answers from the saved text file
Job Aid Sections Generates up to 11 sections (if needed): Inspections and Surveys for Certification Operations Credentials, Documents & Records Navigation Safety Equipment Lifesaving Fire Protection Machinery and Electrical Construction and arrangement Towline and Terminal Gear Pollution Prevention Equipment International
Example lifesaving section
Inspection checklists Hover over information block to see regulatory breakpoint(s) for the requirement Inspection checklists Policy Guidance Links Additional information is only a click away
At the end of the generated job aid click… Printing/Saving At the end of the generated job aid click…
The Future For Tug Safe Revise as needed: Improvements Additions Updates Corrections etc. Develop interactive web application