LO: How can we analyse and create representation? Welcome! Watch the video and make the link between the object and the famous person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJtJD5PbTjk
MEDIA LANGUAGE This is an example of Media Language – one of the four core components of the A Level. It is very straightforward (explicit), but clever media language can be more complex and suggest hidden meanings efficiently (implicit).
Section B – Advertising and Music Videos Course Outline H409/1 Media Messages Section A – News Section B – Advertising and Music Videos 2 hours H409/2 Evolving Media Section A - Media Industries (Radio, video games and film) Section B – Long form TV drama 2 hours H409/3 NEA Released – June 2018 HOW? Theoretical Framework (LIAR) (RAIL) (LAIR) Four media areas on spec – theorists – begin with Media Language. Shot types Skills Focus Media Language (genre and narrative) Media Representation Media Industries Media Audiences Planning and Research Construction Evaluation
TV Drama - Stranger Things – Mrs. Collinson – LAIR Media Messages , Evolving Media – Adverts and Music Videos – Mr. Stiles - LR
Section B: Media Language and Representation LO: How can we analyse and create representation? Media Messages Section B: Media Language and Representation
Gender Age Ethnicity Sexuality Disability WHO? HOW? WHY? Gender Age Ethnicity Sexuality Disability
What is she like? MEDIA LANGUAGE WHO? HOW? WHY? How do you know? How was this shown to us? Through MEDIA LANGUAGE. MEDIA LANGUAGE
What is she like? MEDIA LANGUAGE WHO? HOW? WHY? How do you know? How was this shown to us? Through MEDIA LANGUAGE.
What is she like? MEDIA LANGUAGE WHO? HOW? WHY? How do you know? How was this shown to us? Through MEDIA LANGUAGE.
MEDIA LANGUAGE How do you know? How was this shown to us? Through MEDIA LANGUAGE.
How is he represented? How do you know? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKL-e_D0TrE
MEDIA LANGUAGE Media language is a key concept in Media Studies. This is the way meaning is encoded by the producer through signs and symbols which is then decoded by the audience. This can be: Images Sound Editing
Now, using a camera, take a photo. Think about how you frame the shot. MEDIA LANGUAGE RESILIENT SUPERCILIOUS DIVERSE FRAGILE BOASTFUL IMPERTINENT CREATIVE INTUITIVE KIND ZEALOUS Using Lego, create a shape that represents one, or a combination, of the following words: Now, using a camera, take a photo. Think about how you frame the shot.
Email yourself the image. Print out, stick in, and annotate! PLENARY Email yourself the image. Print out, stick in, and annotate! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKL-e_D0TrE
Section B: Media Language and Representation LO: How can we analyse representation? Media Messages Section B: Media Language and Representation
MEDIA LANGUAGE Media language is a key concept in Media Studies. This is the way meaning is encoded by the producer through signs and symbols which is then decoded by the audience. This can be: Images Sound Editing
Confident? Happy? Successful? Affluent? Or something in between? WHY? Confident? Happy? Successful? Affluent? Or something in between?
High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot WHO? HOW? Gender? Age? Ethnicity? High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot Direct address Body language Lighting Props Costume Mise-en-scene HOW? WHY? Confident? Happy? Successful? Affluent? Or something in between?
High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot WHO? HOW? Model Answer The female character is represented as being confident which shown through direct address as she makes eye-contact with the audience. Furthermore, the mid-shot reveals she has her hands on her hips, which also shows she is confident as this pose connotes strength. She is also projecting her body forward, but as she is looking to her side, her strength is seen as non-confrontational. Gender? Age? Ethnicity? High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot Direct address Body language Lighting Props Costume Mise-en-scene HOW? “body forward” – indicates ‘joined up thinking’ by comparing / considering the effect of how more than one element functions together to create a combined outcome. WHY? Confident? Happy? Successful? Affluent? Or something in between?
High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot MICRO Model Answer The female character is represented as being confident which shown through direct address as she makes eye-contact with the audience. Furthermore, the mid-shot reveals she has her hands on her hips, which also shows she is confident as this pose connotes strength. She is also projecting her body forward, but as she is looking to her side, her strength is seen as non-confrontational. High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot Direct address Body language Lighting Props Costume Mise-en-scene HOW? MACRO Overall, how does this represent women as a whole? Does this support or challenge stereotypes? Does it refer to a contemporary issue?
High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot WHO? HOW? What can we add? Gender? Age? Ethnicity? High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot Direct address Body language Lighting Props Costume Mise-en-scene HOW? More how – lighting, props, costume, mise-en-scene Eye level shot More whys And macro… WHY? Confident? Happy? Successful? Affluent? Or something in between?
In your written answer, did you: PLENARY In your written answer, did you: Identify the micro feature? Build up to macro? Link different parts of the image together for an in depth understanding?
Section B: Media Language and Representation LO: How can we create representations? Media Messages Section B: Media Language and Representation
Gender Age Ethnicity Sexuality Disability WHO? HOW? WHY? Gender Age Ethnicity Sexuality Disability
WHO? HOW? MALE High angle Low angle Canted angle Close up Mid shot Long shot Direct address Body language Lighting Props Costume Mise-en-scene HOW? Take photos which represents WHO and WHY by using techniques from HOW. WHY? RESILIENT
MICRO Model Answer The female character is represented as being confident which shown through direct address as she makes eye-contact with the audience. Furthermore, the mid-shot reveals she has her hands on her hips, which also shows she is confident as this pose connotes strength. She is also projecting her body forward, but as she is looking to her side, her strength is seen as non-confrontational. Now, analyse the image you have created by following the MICRO to MACRO strategy. HOW? MACRO Overall, how does this represent women as a whole? Does this support or challenge stereotypes? Does it refer to a contemporary issue?
In your written answer, did you: PLENARY In your written answer, did you: Identify the micro feature? Build up to macro? Link different parts of the image together for an in depth understanding?
Section B: Media Language and Representation LO: How can we create representations? Media Messages Section B: Media Language and Representation
MEDIA LANGUAGE Media language is a key concept in Media Studies. This is the way meaning is encoded by the producer through signs and symbols which is then decoded by the audience. This can be: Images Sound Editing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7C8nHAAs70
They aim to match the original shots and editing. MEDIA LANGUAGE Sweding or spoofing films is when fans make amateur, low-budget versions of professional, high-budget films. They aim to match the original shots and editing. Today, you are going to swede a fragrance advert. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFZBz3ZiQbk#t=63
Find a fragrance advert Quick risk assessment PLANNING AND FILMING Find a fragrance advert Quick risk assessment Quick viability assessment (no budget) Scout locations Create storyboard Create shotlist Film! Edit. http://www.elementsofcinema.com/cinematography/shot-list/
Watch a fragrance advert and then have a conversation: RISK ASSESSMENT Watch a fragrance advert and then have a conversation: Is there any potentially dangerous situations? Can they be avoided? If not, choose a different advert. http://www.elementsofcinema.com/cinematography/shot-list/
Are there any settings which cannot be (poorly) recreated? VIABILITY Can you make the advert? Are there any settings which cannot be (poorly) recreated? Are there any advanced editing techniques which cannot be replaced? If not, choose another advert. http://www.elementsofcinema.com/cinematography/shot-list/
Where on site can substitute for the settings in the fragrance advert? SCOUT LOCATIONS Make a list of settings if there is more than one (interior and exterior) Where on site can substitute for the settings in the fragrance advert? http://www.elementsofcinema.com/cinematography/shot-list/
Find the template on our Media Studies hub blog. STORYBOARD Find the template on our Media Studies hub blog. Download, print, or digitally sketch the main scenes. You may wish to pause the video each time there is a scene change and do a quick, rough sketch which replicates the scene. http://www.elementsofcinema.com/cinematography/shot-list/
Find the template on our Media Studies hub blog. SHOT LIST Find the template on our Media Studies hub blog. With the video playing, make a shot list. Count the seconds to time each shot. Work out the shot type. http://www.elementsofcinema.com/cinematography/shot-list/
DO YOU HAVE A MEMORY CARD? FILM! ARE YOU USING A TRIPOD? IS THE CAMERA CHARGED? DO YOU HAVE A MEMORY CARD? http://www.elementsofcinema.com/cinematography/shot-list/ Be mindful and respectful of others. Do not film anyone without consent. Do not create noise!
Use iMovie to import your footage. EDIT Use iMovie to import your footage. If iMovie cannot find your footage, you may need to convert it to a .mp4 format in Quicktime. http://www.elementsofcinema.com/cinematography/shot-list/