Class News What we’re Learning! Points earned: ____ Week of March 12th Mrs. Mingledorff Mrs. Mallory Things to Remember Mar. 13 “Digger Dog” program from Georgia Power Mar. 16 PTSO popcorn /coke for $1 Mar. 19 Report cards Mar. 22 PTSO meeting 7:00 Mar. 23 PBIS reward (80% or higher on dojo for the month) – extra recess Mar. 27 Spring pics Wednesdays – ice cream for $1 Wish List – skittles, ziploc quart size bags, tissues What we’re Learning! Words with suffix endings –ed and -ing Place value – adding and subtracting two digit numbers Shared reading – The Dot Reptiles, Amphibians and Birds Word Study – root words with endings –ed and –ing like mix, mixed, hope, hoping, hop, hopping. Word assessment on March 16. Words to know: above, bear, even, pushed, studied, surprised, teacher, toward (help your child read these) You can make flashcards for practice Your child needs to know how to spell root words with suffix –ed and -ing and words to know words: teacher, even, pushed PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Homework *Practice words to know daily Monday – Read, Math sheet Tuesday – Read, write teacher, even and pushed 3 times each. Write a sentence with one of the words. Wednesday – Read, math sheet Thursday – Read, study words with suffixes Encourage your child to read their library book 2 times and take an AR test at school. AR goal is ___ points with 80% accuracy Points earned: ____ Weekly Schedule Monday – Art Tuesday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Wednesday – Technology and Library Thursday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Friday – Music