A Regional Trail Opportunity CASO Line Project A Regional Trail Opportunity - About chatham-kent, and about a regional opportunity
Founded in February, 1868, and built as a short cut from New York to Chicago. Owned by a variety of organizations, until 1983 - purchase by the Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railways.
Fargo Station around 1940
Ridgetown in the 1970’s – was a double track
32 km was purchased last year by the municipality of CK 90 to 100 feet across. Straight and flat Runs by Ridgetown, through Highgate, Muirkirk
February of 2011, held a public meeting explaining use of corridor to community – gauge reaction – report to council Lots of vocal opposition – not something our community is used to – in terms of written comments though, it was actually quite positive - press wasn’t great
Pilot project near Ridgetown.
Zoomed in, 1.8 km long.
Carolinian canada coalition completing a biological inventory of the property.
Crucial first step – telling us: - Where to build the trail: what areas to avoid with trail, what areas to go to (to destroy or to provide access to) Suggestions on how to rehabilitate the habitat what to include for education information, signs, along the way
Although a straight, flat corridor, don’t see why the trail has to look like that. Considering user experience – active recreation. Passive uses, such as cycling and walking.
sustainable trails video 1.5 min video. Idea for the trail -passive uses, such as cycling and walking – winding and interesting topography. Interpretive signs educating users (i.e. tall grass planting). Controlled crossings at every road way, and regular parking places. Who knows.. Encourage camping along the way?
But this isn’t just a local project…Canada Southern – 218 miles or 350 km ** talk about regional opportunity