Recommending a Strategy Future Systems Report and Planning Recommending a Strategy Ideas for Today and Tomorrow Carlos Viegas Future Systems Chairman Berlin 2015
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction Introduction Vision Statement Work since Executive Board in Serbia Cybersecurity SWIM Remote Towers COM/SAT RPAS Strategic planning Restructuring WGs State the vision and long term direction
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction Cybersecurity Vision Statement IFATSEA Cybersecurity Study is ongoing, strawman evolving towards deliverable. Closed F2F meeting with SJU planned for Jan 2016. Ongoing development through webex. State the vision and long term direction
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction SWIM Vision Statement Significant deployment issues still need addressing for SESAR Nextgen Other emerging projects. …and common to these all …SWIM. State the vision and long term direction
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction Logical SWIM Scope Vision Statement Organisation A Organisation B Organisational Alignment State the vision and long term direction Real World System Real World System Logical Process Alignment Semantic Alignment Syntax (XML,…) Information System Information System Technical Interaction (SOAP,REST, OGC…) Transport (HTTP, TCP/IP,…)
Network infrastructure SWIM Scope Vision Statement SWIM consists of standards, infrastructure and governance enabling the management of ATM information and its exchange between qualified parties via interoperable services. SWIM Governance Qualified parties Qualified party Standards Qualified parties ATM information ATM information Standards Service consumer(s) Service(s) Standards SWIM Infrastructure Standards Network infrastructure SWIM is not (just) a set of services, but rather the future way of service development
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction SWIM Governance Vision Statement GLOBAL GOVERNANCE ANSPs, Airlines, Airports, … SESAR2020… EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE State the vision and long term direction ANSPs, Airlines, Airports, … SESAR2020… SESAR 1 harmonized services (some) (ICAO) SDCM? Federated registry Harmonized compliance framework ICAO AIRM AIXM, WXXM, FIXM, AMXM, .. SCG (services) SEMG (standards) Release Mngt (compliance) AIRM CCB EATMA . SWIM TI Profiles Services (SDD) Service meta model Registry Compliance framework SESAR 2020 PJ19 (services) Updates to AIRM/XMs PJ19 (EATMA)
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction DEPLOYMENT SWIM Local and Global Vision Statement DEPLOYMENT Continued global harmonization efforts prior and during deployment. Move to Space based Systems goes on. Cyber Security continued……. Liability & Charging (Composite services) Develop European Roadmap for deployment Establish proactive regulatory loop with deployment fact finding… State the vision and long term direction
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction Report Highlights Vision Statement Report from Stefano Degrassi on COM/SAT. Report from Stavroula Kitsou on Cybersecurity. … State the vision and long term direction
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction SESAR / Nextgen Comparitive Study Vision Statement Order of the day in SWIM deployment context and links to SMC. Regulatory harmonization. Need also to look at CARATS, GAGAN, as well as efforts in China and Russia. Effect on ATSEP Functions and Responsibilities will be huge. Namely in SMC. State the vision and long term direction
Vision Statement State the vision and long term direction Thank you for your attention. State the vision and long term direction