MobEyes: Smart Mobs for Urban Monitoring in Vehicular Sensor Networks Uichin Lee, Eugenio Magistretti*, Biao Zhou Mario Gerla, Paolo Bellavista*, Antonio Corradi* Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles *Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, University of Bologna Introduction Smart mobs (People with shared interests cooperating using wireless mobile devices) Smart mob approach for urban monitoring using wireless sensor networks Utilizing vehicles with sensors and wireless communications: Vehicular Sensor Networks Vehicular Sensor Networks Urban Monitoring Scenario Problem Description Design efficient summary harvesting protocols for mobile sensor platforms Mobile storage Sheer amount of data Large scale Non-intrusive Scalable Disruption tolerant Challenges Design Goals Mobility Assist Summary Diffusion/Harvesting Mobile agent (police) harvests summaries from its neighbors. Agent uses a Bloom filter to find missing summaries. Private nodes return summaries that the agents need. Periodically relay one’s summary to k-hop neighbors Listen and store received summaries. Summaries are diffused through mobility. Performance Evaluation Metric: Harvesting latency for the mobile agent(s) to collect all summaries Radio range vs. node density Effect of node density (harvesting realization) Effect of k-hop relay scope and multiple agents (harvesting realization)