Working Group on regional, urban and rural development statistics


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Presentation transcript:

Working Group on regional, urban and rural development statistics Item 7.2 Rural development indicators Valeriya Angelova-Tosheva, Eurostat, Unit E.4 WORKING GROUP ON REGIONAL, URBAN AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS Luxembourg, 19/10/2015

Eurostat in the monitoring and evaluation of the CAP 2014-2020 Since May 2014 Eurostat provided its observations to more than 160 Interservice consultations concerning national and regional rural development programs that will be supported by the EAFRD. Eurostat encourages the MSs to use in their programs official statistics and the common European definition of Rural region. As a result, most of the programs’ final versions make a wide use of Eurostat’s data and employ the harmonised definition.

New in the database ESA 2010 implemented in the tables by urban-rural typology Metadata file has been published - detailed information on the three NUTS 3 regional typologies maintained by Eurostat for statistical purposes

GDP in euro per inhabitant in percentage of the EU average in 2009, difference between ESA 2010 and ESA 95

Further developments Still not all data available at NUTS level 3 are published by urban, rural and intermediate regions. In the frames of an IT project 24 new datasets will be aggregated and published by the three regional typologies. Following domains: Demographic statistics; Science and technology statistics; Business demography; Transport statistics; Crime statistics.

Other dissemination activities The relevant NSIs will provide to Eurostat on a voluntary basis a new breakdown for the occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments by coastal/non-coastal areas/degurba/residents/non-residents. Data will be published and used for analytical purposes. Following the a request from DG MARE included in the Memorandum of Understanding and discussion during the WG meeting on tourism statistics in September. These data will allow us to make a split between coastal and rural tourism, which type of territories do the non-residents prefer, do the residents travel to resorts in rural coastal areas etc.

The update of the Urban-rural typology Is coming at the end of this year based on the updated Degree of Urbanisation and NUTS 2013 The impact of the update on the relative share of people living in different types of regions will be analysed as well as the impact on the data published by Urban-rural typology Related methodological article will be updated The impact assessment applies to all three typologies.

Thank you for your attention! Questions related to Rural development indicators: More information on the dedicated section: