P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 1 PRIORITY 1 YEAR 1 GOAL STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] SBCISD will implement a developmentally appropriate and aligned curriculum for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten students with quality instruction supported through targeted professional development, which ensures students are postsecondary ready. YEAR 1 GOAL Provide a curriculum that is directly aligned to the Prekindergarten/Kindergarten TEKS which includes social emotional developmental skills. [10 domains] STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] A committee consisting of Raul Trevino [Executive Director for Leadership and Performance], Theresa Servellon [Director of Secondary Education], Sandra Ruiz [Higher Education Coordinator], and on October 13th, 2016 Monica Munoz [PreK Coordinator] met to discuss goals, needs, modifications to plan, and updates. The Committee has met 4 times [Sept. 16, Sept. 19, Oct. 13, and Oct. 14, 2016]. All elementary schools at SBCISD offer full day Prekindergarten for the 2016-2017 school year. The Opening the World Program [OWL] for Prekindergarten students is being implemented district wide. The curriculum targets the 10 domains: social/emotional, language, alliteration: writing and reading, emergent literacy, mathematics, social studies, science, fine arts, physical development, and technology. Thematic units are utilized to deliver instruction. CIRCLE Assessment has been administered at the beginning of the year to all Prekindergarten students.
P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 1 CONTINUATION SBCISD will implement a developmentally appropriate and aligned curriculum for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten students with quality instruction supported through targeted professional development, which ensures students are postsecondary ready. YEAR 1 GOAL Provide a curriculum that is directly aligned to the Prekindergarten/Kindergarten TEKS which includes social emotional developmental skills. [10 domains] STATUS [November 2016] Continued Three days of Children Learning Institute [CLI] Training Complete District Alignment for Prekindergarten Curriculum completed Professional Development for Pre-kindergarten teachers on November 12, 2016. NEXT STEPS Professional Development: February 4, 2017 Family Awareness Night in November 15, 2016, December 6, 2016, and February 13, 2017 CIRCLE Assessment for MOY In December 5th- 9th, 2016 Generate blueprint for SBCISD virtual tours Virtual campus tours created by San Benito CISD middle and high school students Develop virtual college tour timeline for Pre-K through 12th grade Develop district timeline to rollout tours in May 2017.
P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 2 PRIORITY 2 YEAR 1 GOAL STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] SBCISD will create a community network with local governments, institutions of higher education, and community organizations to eliminate barriers for post secondary success. YEAR 1 GOAL Community network will finalize branding, marketing, goals to reduce barriers for post secondary success for all students. STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] Emailed invitation to potential P-20 [Tagline/Postsecondary Needs Assessment] Committee Members. The members will represent all stakeholders. SBHS students given framework for developing tagline/logo and for the presentation to the committee Created a PPT for P-20 Committee that outlines parameters of tagline selection and contents of postsecondary needs assessment Confirmations of attendance received Held meeting on October 27th at SBHS Library. Held meeting on November 10, 2016. Presented Clearing House Data, Naviance Report, and scoring rubric for Tagline/Logo Project.
P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 2 CONTINUATION SBCISD will create a community network with local governments, institutions of higher education, and community organizations to eliminate barriers for post secondary success. YEAR 1 GOAL Community network will finalize branding, marketing, goals to reduce barriers for post secondary success for all students. NEXT STEPS Meet December 15, 2016 to evaluate student presentations, tagline and logos Select a tagline and logo for postsecondary readiness to utilize district wide.
P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 3 PRIORITY 3 YEAR 1 GOAL STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] SBCISD will create a district culture that promotes and emphasizes the importance of academic preparedness and supports the belief that a post secondary education is critical and attainable for all students. YEAR 1 GOAL Generate a needs assessment for postsecondary readiness. STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] Discussion on focal points for postsecondary needs assessment was held on October 19, 2016 . Using the College/Career Readiness Standards and the notes taken at previous P-20 Committee meetings, Academic Preparedness, College/ Career Guidance, and improving test scores on PSAT, TSI, SAT, and ACT were determined to be primary focuses for SBCISD. Developed PPT district needs assessment focus areas and support documentation Meeting with P-20 Committee to discuss Postsecondary Needs Assessment on October 27th, 2016. Committee decided to include a survey as part of the needs assessment Analyzed and discussed Clearing House Data Work session of November 10th: focus on survey questions for Postsecondary Needs Assessment [PNA] Revisited on focal points for PNA.
P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 3 CONTINUATION SBCISD will create a district culture that promotes and emphasizes the importance of academic preparedness and supports the belief that a post secondary education is critical and attainable for all students. YEAR 1 GOAL Generate a needs assessment for postsecondary readiness. NEXT STEPS Generate Postsecondary Readiness Survey for all Stakeholders Meet on December 15, 2016 to finalize survey for PNA Distribution of Postsecondary Readiness Survey via electronic means by February 20, 2017. Input from staff, students, community members and parents will be solicited Compile and analyze Postsecondary Readiness Survey results by March 20, 2017 Complete PNA Report in June 2017.
P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 4 PRIORITY 4 YEAR 1 GOAL STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] SBCISD will support college and career opportunities in academic offerings in order to provide the academic knowledge and preparation students will need for success in college and careers. YEAR 1 GOAL All SBCISD students will be introduced to academic expectations for TEA College and Career Readiness skills which will be embedded into teacher lesson plans. STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] Created introductory PPT to rollout to principals Copy of College/ Career Readiness Standards [CCRS] emailed to all secondary principals CCRS Committee meeting on November 3, 2016 held to discuss activities for K-12 correlated to College/Career Readiness Standards Created Google Document Share Group on November 7, 2016 to assist with the development of lesson correlated to CCRSs Presented PPT to principals on November 14, 2016. NEXT STEPS Rollout PPT to staff during Teacher Training Teachers in December 2016 Create PPT on content specific CCRS Hold CCRS Committee meeting on November 30, 2016 Present content specific PPT through PLCs by December 15, 2016.
P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 5 PRIORITY 5 YEAR 1 GOAL STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] SBCISD will provide all grade level students and parents with continual guidance and support for college and career readiness in order to promote an understanding of the logistical aspects regarding access to educational and career opportunities beyond high school. YEAR 1 GOAL Middle school and high school guidance in college and career exploration supported by Naviance will be provided. STATUS [NOVEMBER 2016] Naviance Workshop on July 25th through 27th 2016. Attendees included middle and high school counselors, and teachers Generated timeline to rollout curriculum and management system to students Student logins distributed Career Cluster Finder Profiler for 10th grade: 436 surveys completed Career Interest Profiler for 11th grade: 159 survey completed Strengths Explorer Survey for 8th grade: 244 completed Resume Builder: 188 created by Seniors Implemented lessons in grades 6th through 12th grades.
P-20 YEAR 1 PRIORITY 5 CONTINUATION SBCISD will provide all grade level students and parents with continual guidance and support for college and career readiness in order to promote an understanding of the logistical aspects regarding access to educational and career opportunities beyond high school. YEAR 1 GOAL Middle school and high school guidance in college and career exploration supported by Naviance will be provided. STATUS: 9,000 student logins from September 5, 2016 through October 31, 2016 663 College applications submitted by seniors Naviance custom sessions for secondary schools on November 8-9, 2016 Parent login campus links and instructions posted on district website. NEXT STEPS Complete surveys in designated classes in middle and high schools 100% of Seniors and Juniors will build resumes by May 2017 Continue Naviance Lessons 100% of 10th through 12th graders will complete college/career goals Incorporate Road Trip Nation into weekly lessons Elementary Naviance presentation to instructional administrative team in December 2016.