Welcome to... PROFIO'S SQUARES A Game of X’s and O’s
Another Presentation © 2000 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon markedamon@hotmail.com
Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful 1 2 3 Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful Lee V. Mediately Craven Sumfood Anita Hugginkiss Starring: Phil R. Up 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 When you do a linear regression, how do you make the “r” show up?
DiagnosticOn (2nd zero) 1 DiagnosticOn (2nd zero) Home
2 How do you put the data in the calculator for a Chi-Squared test? And do you include the totals of the rows and columns?
2 Matrix (2nd x-1) NO Home
3 If women’s heights are normally distributed with a mean of 66 inches and a standard deviation of 2 inches, 20% of women are above p height. Find p. (3 sig figs)
3 67.7 inches Home
4 x What are the calculator directions to find standard deviation of one variable data after you type in the data into L1? (3 buttons/steps)
4 STAT CALC 1-Var Stats Home
5 How do you find the maximum of a graphed function? State the calculator directions after you type the function into Y= and press graph. (2 steps)
5 2nd TRACE (CALC), option 4: maximum Home
6 Women’s heights are normally distributed with a mean of 66 inches and a standard deviation of 2 inches. If there are 200 women, find the EXPECTED NUMBER of women who are less than 63 inches tall? (3 sig figs)
6 13.4 women Home
7 Find the amount you have invested $2000 at a 5% rate compounded quarterly for 6 years. (round to the nearest dollar)
7 $2,695 Home
8 When using sin/cos/tan in your calculator, what is important that you do to your calculator before calculating?
8 Turn to degree mode! Home
9 If the data is already in the calculator, what do you press to run a Chi-Squared Test? (3 steps/buttons)
9 STAT TESTS X2 Test Home