This law is called the Wheel of Life, or SAMSARA. In Hinduism, all life is controlled by a law of birth, death, and rebirth. This law is called the Wheel of Life, or SAMSARA. It applies to all living things. People may not end up being reborn as humans; they could be reborn as animals.
How someone is reborn is determined by the law of KARMA (action). Whatever one does in life affects what one will be in the next. SANSKARAS are memories from past experiences of desire. These experiences influence future responses and behaviour. Therefore, human actions are based on the impressions stored in the mind through previous experience.
The goal of life, for Hindus, is to be freed from the wheel of life. This freedom from the cycle of rebirth is called MOKSHA. According to this belief, Hindus can be reborn in a higher state of life, moving gradually upward from lifetime to lifetime. The best way to ensure good karma is to do good deeds and follow one’s duty, or DHARMA. Ignoring dharma builds up bad karma and increases the chances of an unfavourable rebirth.
Why are we trapped in samsara?
“Not” “That” (Ma)(ya) or Illusion
Most humans live through their senses. What they see and sense is that things are different from one another. They see flowers, trees, birds, stones, animals, and other humans. When people see things separate from each other, they do not see the divine oneness (Brahman) that surges through all things.
And, that each atman is a piece of Brahman. Hindus believe that by looking beyond their physical bodies they will discover their true self, or ATMAN. And, that each atman is a piece of Brahman. Therefore...
The self is Brahman