DNA Structure Practice Quiz
Know the following: Griffith Avery, McCarthy & Mcleod Hershey & Chase Linus Pauling Erwin Chargaff Wilkins & Franklin Watson & Crick
Answer: Griffith – S and R Strain of Pneumonia, discovered Transformation. Avery, McCarthy & Mcleod – Used Pneumonia and enzymes to figure out DNA was causing transformation. Hershey & Chase - Did experiment with bacteriophage, showed DNA was transferred. Linus Pauling – Studied the structure of DNA. Erwin Chargaff – A=T and G=C Wilkins & Franklin – X-ray pictures Studied the structure of DNA. Watson & Crick – Credited with the discovery of DNA Structure.
What is the monomer that makes up DNA/RNA?
Answer: Nucleotides
What are nucleotides made of?
Answer: Phosphate Sugar Base (A, T, C, G)
Describe the Sugar in DNA/RNA.
Answer: DNA = Deoxyribose RNA = Ribose Notice the differences between the two molecules. Also notice the carbons are numbered 1’ to 5’
What attaches to the 1’ carbon in DNA/RNA?
Answer: The bases (A, T, G, C)
What attaches to the 5’carbon of one sugar and the 3’ carbon of the next sugar?
Answer: Phosphate The phosphates only job is to connect sugars.
What are the differences in DNA/RNA?
Answer: Deoxyribose vs. Ribose Double vs. Single Stranded Uses T’s vs. U’s
Describe/show the structure of the different nitrogenous bases.
Answer: All you need to know is the basic structure, DO NOT memorize these structures!!!
Draw the actual structure of DNA.
Answer: How many bonds between A & T? How many bonds between G & C? 2 How many bonds between G & C? 3 How are the backbones oriented? 3’ to 5’ in opposite directions (antiparallel)