SQL Server 2000: Integration with AD and E2K Dave Fackler Director, Intellinet MCDBA, MCSE, MCT 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration Agenda Active Directory Overview ADSI and LDAP Query Dialects and the ADSI Schema Querying from SQL2K Exchange 2000 Namespaces and Content Classes SQL Dialect 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
Overview of Active Directory Directory service provided with Win2K Hierarchical organization of objects Domains Domain trees and forests Organizational units (OU) User and computer accounts Groups (security and distribution) Resources (contacts, printers, shares) Use AD tools to manage AD Domains and Trusts AD Users and Computers Highly evolved replication 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
Active Directory Interfaces LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Connection protocol between client and server Provides query and search capabilities Programmatic interface via C, C++ ADSI (Active Directory Services Interface) COM interface to AD OLE DB provider for AD (ADsDSOObject) Uses LDAP as connection protocol Provides mechanism for integration with SQL2K 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration ADSI Query Dialects LDAP Binds to an AD location to query against Specifies filtering criteria Lists AD properties to return <LDAP://OU=Directors,OU=Atlanta,OU=Intellinet,DC=vizability, DC=intellinet,DC=com>;(objectClass=User);Name,Title;subtree SQL SELECT list provides AD properties to return FROM clause provides AD location to query against WHERE clause allows filtering select Name, Title from ‘LDAP://OU=Directors,OU=Atlanta,OU=Intellinet,…’ where objectClass = ‘User’ 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration ADSI Schema IADsUser (objectClass=User) Not all IADsUser properties are available via LDAP Use AD property names, not ADSI property names IADsGroup (objectClass=Group) Very few properties are actually available Cannot query for array-based properties Group members for example Dig into the ADSI SDK for information 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration Querying AD from SQL2K Create a linked server using ADsDSOObject exec sp_addlinkedserver 'ADSI', 'Active Directory Services 2.5', 'ADsDSOObject', 'adsdatasource‘ Execute LDAP queries via openquery() select convert(varchar(30), [Name]) as FullName, convert(varchar(30), Title) as Title from openquery(ADSI, '<LDAP://OU=Directors,OU=Atlanta,OU=Intellinet,…>; (objectClass=User);Name,Title;subtree') convert(varchar(30), Title) as Title, 'select Name, Title from ''LDAP://OU=Directors,OU=Atlanta,OU=Intellinet,…'' where objectClass = ''User''') 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration Overview of Exchange 2000 Next generation messaging system Win2K integration Integrates with AD for directory services Message transport via Win2K services (IIS, DNS) Web Storage System Provides HTTP, WebDAV, and XML access Supports multiple databases for mail and folders Real-time collaboration Programmatic interfaces CDO, CDOEXM, and ADO OLE DB Provider for Exchange (ExOLEDB) 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration Content Classes in E2K Every resource belongs to a content class urn:content-classes:message urn:content-classes:person urn:content-classes:appointment Each content class has a set of properties urn:schemas:mailheader:subject urn:schemas:contact:sn urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart Custom content classes can be defined 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration Namespaces in E2K Namespaces provides unique names for every property in the Web Storage System Allows properties with the same name to be distinguished (for example, the “From” property) A namespace includes various properties and may be used by different types of resources DAV: urn:schemas:httpmail urn:schemas:contacts urn:schemas:calendar ExOLEDB adds “file:\\.\backofficestorage” and “http://” namespaces 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration SQL Dialect for E2K Uses syntax similar to SQL2K with Full Text Indexing options included select <list> from scope(<scope1>, <scope2>, …) where <condition> order by <list> group by <list> rank by <list> “Select” clause specifies the properties to return, using namespace notation “From” specifies the scope and path to search Scope specifies the depth of the search Path specifies the URL to search 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration SQL Dialect for E2K “Where” clause specifies the filtering condition Can use any of the following predicates, functions, and clauses cast, contains, formsof, freetext, like, rank by Conditions connected via “and” and “or” “Group by” and Order by used as in SQL2K “Rank by” allows for ranked results select “DAV:displayname” from scope(‘shallow traversal of “http://myserver/public/test”’) where “DAV:isfolder” = TRUE order by “DAV:displayname” 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration Querying E2K from SQL2K Create a linked server using ExOLEDB exec sp_addlinkedserver ‘E2K_PF', 'Exchange OLE DB provider', ‘ExOLEDB.DataSource.1', 'file:\\.\backofficestorage\ vizability.intellinet.com\public folders‘ Use openquery() to execute queries select convert(varchar(30), "urn:schemas:contacts:sn") as LastName, convert(varchar(30), "urn:schemas:contacts:givenName") as FirstName from openquery(E2K_PF, ‘select "urn:schemas:contacts:sn", "urn:schemas:contacts:givenName" from scope(''shallow traversal of ".\Intellinet\Atlanta\Atlanta Contacts"'')') 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration Resources ADSI SDK: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/netdir/adsi/active_directory_service_interfaces_adsi.asp?frame=true Exchange 2000 SDK and Samples: http://download.microsoft.com/download/exchplatinumbeta/ SDK/September_2001/NT5/EN-US/ExchangeSDKDocs.exe 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration
Go build integrated solutions! Conclusion Active Directory ADSI and LDAP Query Dialects Querying from SQL2K Exchange 2000 Namespaces SQL Dialect Go build integrated solutions! 11/24/2018 SQL2K-AD-E2K Integration