Presentations Part 3 Lecture 21
Today Verbal Skills Space and objects Overcoming nervousness Non Verbal Skills (Body Language) Space and objects Overcoming nervousness
Today Verbal Skills Non Verbal Skills (Body Language) Space and objects Overcoming nervousness
Verbal Skills Inflection Volume Rate Fillers Enunciation (pronunciation)
Verbal Skills Inflection Volume Rate Fillers Enunciation (pronunciation)
Verbal Skills Inflection refers to change in your voice that creates an expressive and interesting sound Speak in an enthusiastic, warm voice.
Verbal Skills Don`t be monotone Monotone = very boring Don`t be a robot!
Verbal Skills Inflection Volume Rate Fillers Enunciation (pronunciation)
Verbal Skills Volume is how loud or soft your voice is Use appropriate volume for room size. Take deep breaths to increase volume
Verbal Skills Problems to avoid: Volume drops at the end of sentences Volume drops when using visuals Don`t do it!
Verbal Skills Inflection Volume Rate Fillers Enunciation (pronunciation)
Verbal Skills Rate is the speed at which you speak. Use different rates during your presentation to keep it interesting
Verbal Skills Be slow enough to be understood, but fast enough to keep energy high Too slow = boring Too fast = confusing
Verbal Skills Use pauses (stops in speech), to: Emphasize key terms To separate list items To show a change in thought
Verbal Skills Inflection Volume Rate Fillers Enunciation (pronunciation)
Verbal Skills Avoid fillers! Fillers = ummm, uhhhh, like, you know, you see, mmmmmm They fill the space
Verbal Skills Instead of fillers, use pauses. Don’t get upset if you find yourself using fillers. Notice this and work to improve it
Verbal Skills Inflection Volume Rate Fillers Enunciation (pronunciation)
Verbal Skills Enunciation is how clearly you pronounce your words Extremely important in presentations!
Verbal Skills Pronounce words clearly. Don’t: Mumble Put words together (gonna, wanna)
Verbal Skills (summary) Inflection Volume Rate Fillers Enunciation (pronunciation)
Non-verbal Skills Posture Body Movement Arm gestures Facial expression Eye contact
Non-verbal Skills Stand in a relaxed, professional manner, facing your audience. Feet should be under your shoulders
Non-verbal Skills Don’t Stand too still Rock or sway side to side Slouch Lean on desk or podium Stand too still
Non-verbal Skills Posture Body Movement Arm gestures Facial expression Eye contact
Non-verbal Skills This will vary depending on room size, personality, and topic Move naturally. Don’t plan every move or stand too still
Non-verbal Skills Good Bad Lean forward to emphasize a point Walk back to point to ppt Bad Nervous movements Too quick movements
Non-verbal Skills Posture Body Movement Arm gestures Facial expression Eye contact
Non-verbal Skills Use hand gestures as you would in a conversation Unlike in an interview, you are in a big space. Big gestures may be necessary to emphasize points.
Non-verbal Skills Use them naturally. Some people speak with gestures, some do not. Do what feels right
Non-verbal Skills Don’t Keep your hands always in one position Wave arms randomly Play with hair or ears Scratch yourself constantly
Non-verbal Skills Posture Body Movement Arm gestures Facial expression Eye contact
Non-verbal Skills Like your gestures, your face should be natural Stay relaxed and vary expression according to subject
Non-verbal Skills Don’t: Have a boring inexpressive face Smile when you are giving bad news.
Non-verbal Skills Posture Body Movement Arm gestures Facial expression Eye contact
Non-verbal Skills Eye contact is your connection to the audience Makes speaker and audience feel connected to each other
Non-verbal Skills Start by looking at the friendly faces Continue to look at more people until you have looked at everyone
Non-verbal Skills Don’t Look at notes too much Look at visual aids Look at the floor Look only at one side of the room
Non-verbal Skills SUMMARY Posture Body Movement Arm gestures Facial expression Eye contact
Space and Objects Height Distance Objects
Space and Objects Height Distance Objects
Space and Objects How high you are changes how formal your presentation is. High = formal (from a stage, platform) Low = semiformal (you stand while audience sits at same level)
Space and Objects Lowest (informal) = you and audience are all sitting down
Space and Objects Height Distance Objects
Space and Objects How far away you are also changes the presentation. Close = informal Far = formal
Space and Objects Height Distance Objects
Space and Objects The more objects between you and your audience, the more formal.
Space and Objects Formal: stand behind a desk, podium or table Informal: nothing between you and the audience
Overcoming Nervousness Practice Arrangement Physical relaxation Mental relaxation
Overcoming Nervousness Practice Arrangement Physical relaxation Mental relaxation
Overcoming Nervousness Practice techniques Avoid reading or memorizing Practice out loud and standing Time yourself Videotape or practice with a friend to improve delivery
Overcoming Nervousness Practice Arrangement Physical relaxation Mental relaxation
Overcoming Nervousness Arrangement Show up early to make sure everything in the room is how you expect
Overcoming Nervousness Check microphones, lights, computer, projector, etc. Put everything you need (notes, pen, etc.) where you want it before you begin
Overcoming Nervousness Last minute check ppt slides to make sure they are as you want them. Make sure there are enough chairs
Overcoming Nervousness Practice Arrangement Physical relaxation Mental relaxation
Overcoming Nervousness Exercise before your presentation to calm your body down Relax and stretch specific body parts
Overcoming Nervousness Your voice must be relaxed too. Breath through your diaphragm Humming and breathing exercises help to relax voice
Overcoming Nervousness Your voice, like any part of your body, must be kept in shape. Here are some tips to keep it in shape on the day of the presentation
Overcoming Nervousness Wake up early Take a hot shower Don’t drink milk Drink tea Sleep well the night before
Overcoming Nervousness Practice Arrangement Physical relaxation Mental relaxation
Overcoming Nervousness To relax your mind before the presentation, try the following techniques:
Overcoming Nervousness Think Positively Imagine a relaxing scene Visualize yourself succeeding Connect with your audience; make them your friends
Overcoming Nervousness (Summary) Practice Arrangement Physical relaxation Mental relaxation