Graduation Guidelines
Graduation Guidelines 11/24/2018 Graduation Guidelines History and Context Menu Timeline Morgan Re-3 Implementation Plan Rebecca - To assist districts and local boards in navigating these conversations, we partnered and consulted with educators and business across Colorado to develop a toolkit. We also consulted with CASE and CASB to help inform the content provided. The menu items selected by local board of education are merely a reflection of a communities priorities of what students should know when graduating with a high school diploma. All Colorado communities are encouraged to undertake a local conversation about what students should know or skills they should be able to demonstrate upon high school graduation. Resources to assist in convening, collecting, and facilitating conversations are included in the toolkit as well as resources for local boards and administrators. Districts and schools are encouraged to begin the conversation about what they are currently doing and build on those discussions to identify opportunities to inform the needs of students, Colorado’s economy, and jobs/careers.
History and Context 3
Colorado by the Numbers Morgan Re-3 --27.3 % of 11th and 12th graders took concurrent enrollment classes first semester 2015-16 Morgan Re-3 latest DHE report 52% remediation rate for class of 2013 Morgan Re-3-- 54% of grades 9-12 took CTE courses first semester 2015-16 Morgan Re-3 latest official DPF report 3.6% dropout rate Re-3 6% of 11th and 12th took AP classes first semester 2015-16. For 2014-15, 46% of students testing earned a 3 or higher. 4 Morgan Re-3 latest official DPF report 72.7% grad rate
Morgan Re-3 current graduation requirements English 8 credits Math 4-6 credits Science 4-6 credits (must include 2 credits of Integrated Science) Social Studies 6 credits (must include 2 credits of World Geography) American History 1 credit American Government, 1 credit Senior Social Studies Speech 1 credit Health 1 credit Computer/Business 2 credits (1 credit in computer applications, 1 credit in another business or computer class) Physical Education 3 credits Practical Arts 1 credit (Ag, Business, Consumer and Family Studies, Industrial Arts or Drivers Ed) Fine Arts 1 credit (Art, Music, or Drama) Electives 15 credits Total 48 credits
Graduation Guidelines The Colorado Graduation Guidelines are a road map to help students and their families plan for success after high school.
Graduation Guidelines LOCAL SCHOOL BOARDS establish high school graduation requirements that meet or exceed the Colorado Graduation Guidelines for the graduating class of 2021. LOCAL SCHOOL BOARDS AND DISTRICTS select from the Menu of Options to create a list of options their students must use - to show what they know or can do - in order to graduate from high school. STUDENTS demonstrate college or career readiness in English and math based on at least one measure.
Menu of Options DEMONSTRATION of Readiness STUDENTS demonstrate college or career readiness in English and math, based on at least one measure. DEMONSTRATION of Readiness English Math English Math ACCUPLACER Concurrent Enrollment 62 Reading Comprehension 61 Elementary Algebra Passing Grade Passing Grade ACT District Capstone 18 ACT English 19 ACT Math Individualized Individualized ACT Compass Industry Certificate 79 63 Individualized Individualized ACT WorkKeys International Baccalaureate Bronze or Higher Bronze or Higher 4 4 Advanced Placement SAT 2 2 430 460 ASVAB Collaboratively-Developed, Standards-Based Performance Assessment 31 31 In development In development
Timeline – Class of 2021 Fall/Winter/Spring 2015-16 Fall 2016 Devise implementation plan Begin/continue District, school, and community conversations Prepare/share drafts and updates Fall 2016 BOE Adopt Revised District Graduation Requirements Share information with parents/students 8th grade Fall 2017 Implement revised graduation requirements with 9th graders Graduation Spring 2021
Community Engagement Districts have started: Graduation Guidelines Committees Participants include District and school administrators and high school staff Community Conversations Participants include staff, parents, students, community leaders
Board Policy School districts may: offer some or all of the state menu options raise a cut score on an included assessment add graduation requirements in other content areas District Requirements begin with the implementation of: Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP), Colorado Academic Standards 21st century skills Districts have the authority to: permit students longer or shorter time periods to earn their diploma. adapt the college and career demonstrations necessary to earn a standard high school diploma to accommodate for students with the following exceptions: English learners, gifted students and students with disabilities.
Next Steps for Morgan Re-3 2015-16 To Do List Continue to implement Colorado Academic Standards including embedded 21st Century Skills for all students. Continue to implement Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) for students in grades 6-12. Review SBE adopted Colorado Graduation Guidelines Determine District action steps and timelines Engage with stakeholders to identify values and priorities for District graduation Provide timely updates to BOE and all stakeholders regarding discussions to establish Morgan Re-3 menu of options to demonstrate college and career readiness (graduation competencies).
Looking Ahead to 2016 - 2017 To do list for 2016-17 Adopt revisions to meet or exceed state guidelines, including a local menu for students to demonstrate college and career readiness. Communicate revisions and menu of college and career ready demonstrations to students and to parents.
Looking Ahead to 2017 - 2018 To do list for 2017-18 Implement revised local high school graduation requirements starting with ninth graders, including a local menu for students to demonstrate college and career readiness. Continue to communicate revisions and menu of college and career-ready demonstrations to students and to parents.
Resources Professional Learning Communities State-level Convenings: BOCES and neighboring districts Principals and Graduation Guidelines teams Capstone and Industry Certificates State-level Convenings: Career and Technical Education Models Collaboratively-developed Performance Assessments Online Resources and Promising Practices Fact Sheets and Engagement Toolkit Implementation strategies 16
Thanks to: Robin Russel Contacts Thanks to: Robin Russel Colorado Department of Education Graduation Guidelines Manager 303-866-2908 17