BIOL 103, Introduction to Nutrition Course Syllabus Outline
Welcome to BIOL 103! Professor: Frances Chen Introduction to Nutrition 8:00AM-9:15AM (Course #70642) 9:30AM – 10:45AM (Course #70643) My contact: (I do not check my email after 5pm) Office Hours: Adjunct-Faculty office in Biology Building/2038 Please schedule with me in advance to meet in person or via Skype. Skype: BIOL103Fchen
Class Website Syllabus Grades Lecture Notes Homework Sets and other assignments Syllabus, homework, lecture handouts, and other materials that may assist you in your learning
Course Description: Nutrients usage and their effect in the body How psychology, socioeconomic, and geography influences affect nutritional practices Current concerns related to nutrition Calorie and nutrient analysis in relation to balanced diets and weight control
Course Description Yes, it IS an introductory course, but it is ALSO an upper-division science class For “Non-majors” mean science concepts WILL be introduced
Where do we get our information from? “Consuming vitamin C can treat and/or prevent the common cold.” Is this a scientific fact or a myth? “Eating lots of carrots can improve your vision.” “It is possible to be allergic to meat.”
Where do we get our information from? Myths Personal Experience “Science” GOOD Scientific studies
Lectures and Textbook Lectures: Tues/Thurs 8:00-9:15 AM Required Textbook: Discovering Nutrition, Insel et. al., 5th edition Free copy in the school library
Topics Chapters 1-3, 13: Nutrients, Nutrition Guidelines, Human Body, Food and Technology Chapters 4-6: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins Chapters 7-8: Vitamins, Water and Minerals Chapters 9, 11-12: Sports Nutrition, Maternal and Infant Nutrition, Childhood to Older Adult Nutrition
Early morning class lecture… Why should I attend lecture? Exams are both lecture and textbook based. Lectures emphasize important concepts/topics, unlike textbooks Visual/audio materials LEARN about materials outside the book: food processing, gluten, diets, food and psychology studies, GMO, etc. Attendance Make you money’s worth
So you won’t end up like these people…
My Lecture Style Power point style Lecture handouts are available online ahead of class day Print them and bring them to class Active note-taking is highly encouraged: Highlight, Underline, Fill-in blanks, write your own notes Note: My lecture notes may look different than yours! If you miss class, please acquire your notes from your classmates.
Lecture Exams You will be given 3 lecture exams and 1 final exam Lecture attendance is critical for success in this course because all the exams will cover lecture material and textbook material specifically mentioned by your professor. Your final will be cumulative, with emphasis on the recent materials.
Exam Grading Out of the three lecture exams, I will drop the exam with the lowest grade. This rule ONLY applies if you have taken the exam. If you have missed your exam without a documented medical note, this rule will NOT apply and you will automatically receive a 0 for one of your midterms, even if you have taken the other two exams. You may NOT drop your final exam. Your 2 midterms are worth 50% of your final grade Your final is worth 30% of your final grade
Early or Make-up Exams Lecture exam: Final: Early exams require my approval before the exam day No late exams will be given without a documented medical reason. Make-up exams will be given during the last week of class. Final: No early finals There will be no make-up exams for the final; you will receive zero points if you miss the final.
Class Assignments: Homework Sets and Documentary Write ups Class assignments include both homework sets and documentary write ups. You will be given four homework sets (corresponding to the chapters we cover) and two documentary write ups. Class assignments are not graded, but given credit based on completion. Please turn class assignments in class on the turn-in date Late work is not accepted.
Group Presentation You will have the opportunity to present an assigned nutrition topic with your classmates Topic: Vitamins and Minerals Presentation & study guide write-up The presentation is worth 10% of your overall grade
Midterm and Final Exam Dates Midterm 1 (Ch 1-3, 13): February 21 Midterm 2 (Ch 4-6): March 21 Midterm 3 (Ch 7-8): April 20 Final (Ch 1-9, 11-13): 8:00 AM (70642): May 23, 7:30AM-9:30AM 9:15 AM (70643): May 23, 9:45AM -11:45AM
Quizzes 8 short quizzes will be given at the beginning of class as shown on the schedule. The quizzes will not count towards your class grade. However, if you manage to score at least 7/10 on your quiz, you can earn per quiz 1 extra credit point towards the next lecture exam. There will be no make-up pop quizzes for missing a class or arriving late.
Dietary Assessment Report You have the option to write one dietary assessment report (“Food Diary”) for extra credit. It is worth up to 3% extra credit to your overall grade. Due Date: Feb 28, 2017 I will only receive a final printed copy in-class No re-grades Late work is not accepted
Attendance Attendance: Attendance is an important part of learning materials. Note: Napa Valley College Catalog states: “…a student who has been absent for as many times as a class meets each week will have exhausted this provision for unavoidable absences. Further absences may cause the instructor to drop the student from the class.” Note that doctor’s appointments and child care issues are still considered absences. While I may not formally take roll, I am likely to know whether you attended, AND IT LEAVES AN IMPRESSION.
Grading 2 Midterms: 50% 1 Final Exam: 30% Group Presentation: 10% Class Assignments: 10% Optional: 1 Dietary Assessment Report: up to 3% to your overall grade If student scores 7+/10 on quiz, s/he will receive 1 extra credit towards her/his following lecture exam.
Napa Valley College’s Rules on Academic Dishonesty I do not tolerate academic dishonesty, cheating, plagiarizing, or allowing another student to copy one’s work Cheating in any way or form will result in 0 points in their exam/assignment. Refer to the Catalog for a full explanation.
Class Rules Student Conduct Cell phone and other electronics Students are expected to uphold an attitude of respect, tolerance and consideration toward their classmates and the instructor. This includes maintaining appropriate behavior, language, attire, and personal hygiene in the classroom. Cell phone and other electronics Please do not record my lectures Please silence, put on vibrate, or turn off your cellphones, smart phones, and other electrical devices
Important Dates to Remember Last Day to Drop without a “W”: Feb 3 Last Day to Drop with a “W”: April 7 *NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to fill out the appropriate forms to add or to be dropped from the course. Do not assume that I will drop you from the course if you stop attending class. If you fail to drop in the records office, you will receive an F in the course.
Library and Learning Resources Center Library and Learning Resources Center is available Room 1766, Phone: 707-256-7442 Students in need of accommodation in the college-learning environment~ Please feel encouraged to email me or make an appointment with me privately to discuss your learning needs in my class. It is important you contact me before your first midterm.
FAQs Grading policy, exam schedule, missing an exam, etc… Refer to your syllabus! “How do I do well in your class?” As your professor, it’s my job to provide you with background information and discuss research about the topic you are studying. However, it is YOUR job as a college student to study the material. Studying does not simply equate to memorizing the material; it means being able to discuss the material, understand how to relate lecture material to textbook readings, and to make the information useful to real life. If you don’t understand a concept or would like to discuss a topic on nutrition, just ask. “How should I study for your class?” This depends on your style of learning. You may be a visual, audio, and/or hands-on learner. What worked well for you in your past science classes?
What kind of learner are you? A) Visual B) Auditory C) Hands-on D) Combination of the above!
How does this help you? If you are: Visual Draw diagrams and pictures Read Figures, Graphs, and Tables in your textbooks. Auditory Attend and listen to the lecture Have active discussion with your professor and classmates about topics of interest Read the lecture notes and/or textbook aloud. Hands-on Do the practice exams and homework. Make note cards! Quiz yourself or your friends. More than likely, we are combination of these learning types. I highly suggest you try all the above and see what works for you.
Studying Tips DO attend lecture and take ACTIVE Notes Download the notes ahead of time and bring them to class I do not provide students with instructor’s copy of notes READ your Required Textbook DO the Homework Sets MAKE your own Study Guides Form a STUDY GROUP with your classmates Make notecards and test each other STUDY actively
Before you leave… Your grades will be posted online with your class ID# Take a note card. Put the following info: Your Full Name 8AM or 9:30AM Give me the note card before you leave