Educator Effectiveness Funds Board of Education Presentation June 28, 2016 Mark Cerutti, Associate Superintendent, Education Services Anna Trunnell, Director of Curriculum/Professional Learning Marc Lavine, Principal, Elk Grove Charter School
California Department of Education Funding Rationale The State of California enacted: Assembly Bill (AB) 104, Section 58 (Ch. 13/2015), as amended by Senate Bill (SB) 103, Section 8 (Ch. 324/2015) provide one-time Educator Effectiveness Funding to local education agencies (LEAs) that reported full-time equivalent (FTE) certificated staff in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
Allocations EGUSD - $4,780,833.00 Elk Grove Charter School - $25,591.00 The funds must be spent by June 30, 2018. A report on expenditures is due to CDE after June 30, 2018
Use of Funds The Educator Effectiveness funds are to be used specifically to support certificated teachers, administrators, and paraprofessional educators, and are to be expended for ANY of the following purposes: Beginning teacher and administrator support and mentoring, including, but not limited to, programs that support new teacher and administrator ability to teach or lead effectively and to meet induction requirements adopted by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and pursuant to Section 44259 of the California Education Code (EC). Professional development, coaching, and support services for teachers who have been identified as needing improvement or additional support by LEAs. Professional development for teachers and administrators that is aligned to the state content standards adopted pursuant to sections 51226, 60605, 60605.1, 60605.2, 60605.3, 60605.8, 60605.11, 60605.85, as that Section read on June 30, 2014, and 60811.3, as that Section read on June 30, 2013, of the EC. To promote educator quality and effectiveness, including, but not limited to, training on mentoring and coaching certificated staff and training certificated staff to support effective teaching and learning.
EGUSD – Proposed Plan 2016/2017 $1.8 million – Fund continued Professional Learning Community (PLC) professional development 4 levels of support: Every school site receives 4 “embedded coaching days” Principals/Vice Principals receive 5 – ½ days of ongoing training Instructional Coaches receive 4 full days of ongoing training District administration receives 3 – ½ days of training $100,000.00 - Paraprofessional educator training/summer institute CSEA Conference attendance/district-hosted conference Summer Professional Development Institute $490,416.50 - Provide professional development opportunities for certificated teachers and administrators Site professional development grants Conferences
EGUSD – Proposed Plan 2017/2018 $1 million - Continue to fund Professional Learning Community (PLC) professional development Based on identified need and interest from 2016/2017 $100,000.00 - Paraprofessional educator training/summer institute CSEA Conference attendance/district-hosted conference Summer Professional Development Institute $567,239.00 - Continue funding of the iSEE (Integrating Science and Engineering Education) project for 6-11 grade Science teachers EGUSD received a California Math and Sciences Partnership (CaMSP) Grant for 2015-2019 in the amount of $2,041,753.00 Due to a restructuring of STEM funding through ESSA, monies for years 2 and 3 of the iSEE grant were swept $723,177.50 - Provide professional development opportunities for certificated teachers and administrators Site professional development grants Conferences
Elk Grove Charter School Proposed Plan 2016/2017 EGCS plans to use the funds to provide certificated staff with opportunities to receive professional development and training in the following areas: Attend charter and independent study specific conferences offered through the California Consortium on Independent Study (CCIS), the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) and the Charter School’s Development Center’s (CSDC). Attend content area specific conferences focused on the following areas: English Language Arts Science Technology Engineering, and Math (STEM) 2016/2017 $5,000 - CCIS conference (team of 5 educators) $5,000 - CSDC conference (team of 5 educators) $2,796 - STEM Conference (team of 2 teachers)
Elk Grove Charter School Proposed Plan 2017/2018 EGCS plans to use the funds to provide certificated staff with opportunities to receive professional development and training in the following areas: Attend charter and independent study specific conferences offered through the California Consortium on Independent Study (CCIS), the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) and the Charter School’s Development Center’s (CSDC). Attend content area specific conferences focused on the following areas: English Language Arts Science Technology Engineering, and Math (STEM) 2017/2018 $5,000 - CCIS conference (team of 5 educators) $5,000 - CCSA conference (team of 5 educators) $2,795 - ELA conference (team of 2 educators)
Thank you for your time and consideration! Questions? The Board will be asked to take action on this plan at the July 12th Board meeting. Thank you for your time and consideration!