California School Dashboard February 9, 2018 2- LCFF new model
Agenda - Essential Questions What is California’s New Accountability and Continuous Improvement System? What is the California Dashboard? How does the CA School Dashboard connect to California’s System of Support?
What is California’s new Assessment and Accountability System?
California State Priorities LCFF new model - established 8 state priorities
Indicators for California State Priorities State Indicator Local Indicator 1 Basic Services Basics Conditions at School 2 Implementation of Standards Implementation of State Academic Standards 3 Parent Engagement 4 Pupil Achievement Academic Indicator (English Language Arts and Mathematics) English Learner Progress Indicator 5 Pupil Engagement Chronic Absence Indicator Graduation Rate Indicator 6 School Climate Suspension Rate Indicator Local Climate Survey 7 Course Access College/Career Indicator 8 Other pupil outcomes In order to show progress, CA SBE selected at least one indicator for each priority. State vs. Local Riverside County Office of Education
How Do We Know How Districts/Schools Perform?
English: Spanish:
How Is This Different Than The “Old” System? Previous Accountability System California’s New Accountability and Continuous Improvement System State Accountability: Multiple measures aligned to LCFF priorities Indicator performance displayed in CA School Dashboard Districts respond in LCAP Districts receive assistance through CA System of Support State Accountability API: Each school scored from 200 - 1000 Statewide ranking (1 - 10) Based on academic tests taken during the Spring Federal Accountability: No Child Left Behind (2001) All students must be “proficient” or “advanced” on academic tests Schools identified for “Program Improvement” if they did not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Federal Accountability: Every Student Succeeds Act (2015) CA submitted ESSA state plan to US Department of Education on 9/18/17 In 2018-19, schools may be identified for: Targeted Support and Intervention Comprehensive Support and Intervention
Accessing the Dashboard: How to access the dashboard
Dashboard Homepage Can search any school or district in state
LCFF Priorities State Indicator Local Indicator The Dashboard displays performance level for each State Indicator for every District and School LCFF Priorities State Indicator Local Indicator 1 Basic Services Basics Conditions at School 2 Implementation of Standards Implementation of State Academic Standards 3 Parent Engagement 4 Pupil Achievement Academic Indicator (ELA/Math) English Learner Progress Indicator 5 Pupil Engagement Chronic Absence Indicator* Graduation Rate Indicator 6 School Climate Suspension Rate Indicator Local Climate Survey 7 Course Access College/Career Indicator** 8 Other pupil outcomes Everything on dashboard align to priorities or indicators in state system.
How are the Performance Levels Determined? Performance is evaluated for both “status” and “change” Status: How well did we do according to the most recent year of data? Change: How does our current performance compare to prior years? For each indicator there are 5 status levels and 5 change levels. Student group performance will be identified for every group with 30 or more. It may be helpful to see all the student groups and even individual schools on a 5x5 together for a visual effect of the differences in performance. Using a blank 5x5 as is found on the bottom half of your 5x5 grid handout, capturing performance of student subgroups compared to “All Students” could be insightful. Another resource that is available online is a table view whereby all indicators are listed with each student group so that performance could be calculated and shown for all State Indicators on a single page.
How is the Color (Performance Level) Determined? The combination of status and change results in a performance level (color):
CA School Dashboard: Supports LEAs in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement for LEAs and schools. Equity Report Riverside County Office of Education
Status and Change Report available for each State Indicator. Riverside County Office of Education
Student Group Report available for each State Indicator.
Dashboard Discussion: Why is it important to show district and school performance for various state indicators? Chronic Absenteeism Suspension Rate English Learner Progress Graduation Rate College/Career English Language Arts Mathematics More than a single indicator
Why is it important to show student group performance for state indicators? Chronic Absenteeism Suspension Rate English Learner Progress Graduation Rate College/Career English Language Arts Mathematics
Fall 2017 CA Dashboard Updates: Design Updates for Fall 2017 Dashboard If want to see how every school in district is doing...
How does the CA School Dashboard connect to California’s System of Support?
Statewide System of Support Overarching Goal: To assist LEAs and their schools meet the need of each student served, with a focus on building capacity to sustain improvement and effectively address inequities in student opportunities and outcomes. Riverside County Office of Education
Description of Supports Available System of Support Level of Support Description of Supports Available Support for All LEAs and Schools (Level 1) Various state and local agencies provide an array of support, resources, tools, and voluntary assistance that all LEAs may use to improve student performance at the LEA and school level and narrow disparities among student groups across the LCFF priorities, including recognition for success and the ability to share promising practices. Differentiated Assistance (Level 2) County superintendents, the California Department of Education, charter authorizers, and the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence provide differentiated assistance for LEAs and schools, in the form of individually designed assistance, to address identified performance issues, including significant disparities in performance among student groups. Intensive Intervention (Level 3) The Superintendent of Public Instruction or, for charter schools, the charter authorizer may require more intensive interventions for LEAs or schools with persistent performance issues over a specified time period. Riverside County Office of Education
California School Dashboard on Tableau Public
Steve Ayon, Data & Analytics Administrator Assessment, Accountability and Continuous Improvement Riverside County Office of Education