CORE VALUES Whatever it Takes Do More with Less Respect our Partners Love Missionaries and Chaplains
MOBILIZED CHURCHES Supporting — 2,612 Sending — 1,055 Total — 3,667
NAMB 2017 CORPORATE GOALS I. Evangelism — Catalyze a sense of urgency for evangelism within SBC churches that begins to reverse the decline in baptisms
NAMB EVANGELISM Engage 24 Conferences National mobilizer(s) for Evangelism 2017 Crossover Phoenix Crusade Church On Mission blog/resources National response center Send Relief 3 Circles Pastor Resource kit Church planting is still #1 Evangelism strategy
NAMB 2017 CORPORATE GOALS II. Send Relief — Create a national awareness of Send Relief
NAMB 2017 CORPORATE GOALS III. Send Network — Facilitate the planting of 1,200 new SBC churches
NAMB 2017 CORPORATE GOALS IV. Mobilization — 4,300 Total Mobilized Churches by year end • 1,400 Sending Churches • 2,900 Supporting Churches
NAMB 2017 CORPORATE GOALS V. Development — Increase giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering by 5% over previous years’ total
2016 ANNIE OFFERING $58.86 million Second highest ever
Send Relief is made up of compassion ministries—Meeting immediate physical needs and sharing the hope of Christ.
SEND RELIEF 1. Areas of Focus Refugee/International Collegiate mobilization Disaster Relief 1. Areas of Focus Community engagement Foster care/Adoption Human trafficking
SEND RELIEF 2. Feasibility of Send Relief hubs 3. Potential for two Send Relief Labs 4. National Pilot Projects 5. GenSEND 6. Focus Groups and Field Resources