Emily Schwichtenberg & Kelsey Puffe Linda James Private High School Target group is secondary school grades 7-12. Emily Schwichtenberg & Kelsey Puffe
Mission Statement To provide nutritious Breakfast and Lunches to students at Linda James High School to enhance the learning environment and personal well being for all.
Demographics We are located in Northern Minnesota Town of 15,000 people Predominate culture is Scandinavian Religious background is Christian and Protestant Ethnic background is mainly Caucasian and some Hispanic
Linda James Private High School The school arranges from grade 7 to grade 12 with ages arranging from 11-18. 100 students per grade for a total of 600 students total Total of 8 food service staff, 4 of the staff are volunteer students. We have 1 head cook, 1 assistant cooks for breakfast and 2 for lunch, and 1 cashier taken from attendance office. The students will help clean tables, help serve, and cashier. The cost to go to Linda James High School is a little high due to it being a private school.