TOPIC: Expectations Wed Aug 14 Learning Target: I can successfully describe some of the expectations & procedures for science class this trimester AGENDA: Assigned Seats are posted outside door Intro Logic Teasers PAPERS COLLECTED: Student Info Sheet RECEIVED: Student Info Sheet Logic Teasers Course of Study HW: Bring Back Course of Study
TOPIC: Expectations Thurs Aug 15 Learning Target: I can successfully describe some of the expectations & procedures for science class this trimester AGENDA: Complete Logic Teaser Review Course of Study / Procedures Lost on the Moon Activity PAPERS COLLECTED: Lost on the Moon RECEIVED: Lost on the Moon Course of Study HW: NONE
TOPIC: What is Science? Fri Aug 16 Learning Target: I can successfully describe some of the branches of science as well as some incorrect assumptions AGENDA: NASA Astronauts Answers to Lost on the Moon Activity Super Scientist Bingo Scientific Theories that Proved to be Wrong COLLECTED: NASA Answers to Lost on the Moon Scientific Theories that Proved Wrong RECEIVED: NASA Answers to Lost on the Moon Scientific Theories that Proved Wrong HW: NONE
TOPIC: Experiments Mon Aug 19 Learning Target: I can successfully describe the scientific method of problem solving AGENDA: Scientific Theories that Proved to be Wrong MythBusters Controlled Experiment Review Scientific Method – Controls & Variables COLLECTED: Scientific Theories that Proved Wrong Myth Busters RECEIVED: MythBusters SciMeth – Controls & Variables HW: SciMeth Controls & Variables
TOPIC: Experiments Tues Aug 20 Learning Target: I can successfully identify the variables in a controlled experiment AGENDA: MythBusters – Controlled Experiment Review Scientific Method – BBE (backside of MythBust) Scientific Method – M&M Lab Scientific Method – Controls & Variables COLLECTED: Myth Busters WS (both sides completed) Scientific Method – M&M Lab RECEIVED: SciMeth – Controls & Variables HW: SciMeth Controls & Variables
TOPIC: Experiments Wed Aug 21 Learning Target: I can successfully identify the variables in a controlled experiment AGENDA: Scientific Method – M&M Lab - FINISH Scientific Method – Controls & Variables M&M Melting Lab Report COLLECTED: Scientific Method – M&M Lab SciMEth Controls & Variables M&M Melting Lab Report RECEIVED: SciMeth – Controls & Variables HW: NONE
TOPIC: Experiments Thurs Aug 22 Learning Target: I can successfully identify the variables in a controlled experiment and collect and organize data AGENDA: JOURNAL#1 Notes pages 1-3 Grasping Graphing PACKET p.4-6 or M&M Melting Lab Report COLLECTED: SciMeth Controls & Variables M&M Melting Lab Report Grasping Graphing RECEIVED: Science Methods PACKET Grasping Graphing HW: PACKET pages 4-6 should be complete
TOPIC: Experiments Fri Aug 23 Learning Target: I can successfully identify the variables in a controlled experiment and collect and organize data AGENDA: JOURNAL#2 Notes pages 2-3 PACKET p.4-6 “Types of Science”/“Identifying Variables” Science Methods Quiz PACKET p.7 “Analyzing Experiments” Scientific Method Project COLLECTED: M&M Melting Lab Report RECEIVED: Scientific Method Project HW: PACKET pages 4-9 should be complete
TOPIC: Experiments Mon Aug 26 Learning Target: I can successfully identify the variables in a controlled experiment and collect and organize data AGENDA: Notes page 3 PACKET p.7-9 “Types of Science”/“Identifying Variables” Scientific Method Project PACKET p.10 “Making Inferences” COLLECTED: NONE RECEIVED: NONE HW: PACKET pages 4-10 should be complete
TOPIC: Theories & Laws Tues Aug 27 Learning Target: I can successfully describe what is meant by a scientific theory or law AGENDA: Scientific Method Project – Topic Due Science Methods Quiz PACKET p.8-10 Questions? Notes page 3 / Packet p.11 “FBHTL” JOURNAL#4 Graphing Practice COLLECTED: NONE RECEIVED: Graphing Practice HW: PACKET should be complete. TEST tomorrow
TOPIC: Science Methods Wed Aug 28 Learning Target: I can successfully describe methods for scientifically investigating and identifying “scientific truth” AGENDA: Packet p.11 “FBHTL” Science Methods MC Test & 2 CRQ Graphing Practice Logic Puzzles – Do 1st, Other 2 are BONUS, (+5/+10) COLLECTED: Science Methods Packet RECEIVED: Logic Puzzles HW: Scientific Method Project due Wed 9/4 We will go to a computer lab to type on Tuesday 9/3
TOPIC: Science Methods Thurs Aug 29 Learning Target: I can successfully describe methods for scientifically investigating and identifying “scientific truth” AGENDA: Personal Test Analysis Logic Problems / Graphing Practice We will go to the computer lab TOMORROW to type out your project reports BRING A FLASH DRIVE TO SAVE PROJECT REPORT!!!! COLLECTED: Graphing Practice Personal Test Analysis RECEIVED: Personal Test Analysis HW: Scientific Method Project due Wed 9/4
TOPIC: Science Methods Fri Aug 30 Learning Target: I can successfully describe methods for scientifically investigating and identifying “scientific truth” AGENDA: Graphing Practice / Most Missed Test ?’s JOURNAL#1 Paleontology Pre-Assessment Scientific Method Project Report COLLECTED: Graphing Practice RECEIVED: Paleontology Packet HW: Scientific Method Project Report due Wed 9/4
TOPIC: Fossils Tues Sep 3 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how a fossil forms and list at least 3 different varieties AGENDA: JOURNAL#1 Notes p.1-3 Scientific Method Project Report PACKET p.13-14 “Fossils” COLLECTED: Fossils Crossword RECEIVED: Fossils Crossword HW: Scientific Method Project due tomorrow
TOPIC: Fossils Wed Sep 4 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how a fossil forms and list at least 3 different varieties AGENDA: Notes p.2-3 Scientific Method Project Report PACKET p.15 “Traces of Tracks” COLLECTED: Fossils Crossword RECEIVED: Fossils Crossword HW: PACKET p.13-15
TOPIC: Fossils Thurs Sep 5 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how a fossil forms and list at least 3 different varieties AGENDA: JOURNAL#2 Scientific Method Project Report Fossils Crossword Fossil Identification Simulation COLLECTED: Fossils Crossword RECEIVED: Fossils Crossword Fossil Identification Simulation HW: Fossils Crossword
TOPIC: Age of the Earth Fri Sep 6 Learning Target: I can discuss ideas about the age of the earth & the prehistoric events that occurred here AGENDA: Fossils Quiz with Remotes Notes p.3-4 Dragons or Dinosaurs COLLECTED: Fossil Identification Simulation Dragons or Dinosaurs WS RECEIVED: Dragons or Dinosaurs WS HW: NONE
TOPIC: Relative Dating Mon Sep 9 Learning Target: I can successfully describe the principal of superposition, original horizontality, & cross-cutting relationships. AGENDA: Notes p.4-5 Fossil Identification Simulation PACKET p.16-17 “Finding the Relative Ages of Rocks” COLLECTED: Fossil Identification Simulation RECEIVED: Fossil Identification Simulation HW: PACKET p.16-17 “Finding the Relative Ages of Rocks”
TOPIC: Relative Dating Tues Sep 10 Learning Target: I can successfully describe the principal of superposition, original horizontality, & cross-cutting relationships. AGENDA: Notes p.6-8 Fossil Identification Simulation Layers of Rock Drawing PACKET p.18-19 “Grand Canyon/Rel Order of Geo Events” COLLECTED: Fossil Identification Simulation RECEIVED: Layers of Rock HW: PACKET p.13-19 SHOULD BE COMPLETED
TOPIC: Relative Dating Wed Sep 11 Learning Target: I can successfully describe the principal of superposition, original horizontality, & cross-cutting relationships. AGENDA: Notes p.6-8 Review Layers of Rock Drawing PACKET p.18-19 “Grand Canyon/Rel Order of Geo Events” COLLECTED: Layers of Rock Drawing RECEIVED: Relative Ages of Rocks WS HW: PACKET p.13-19 SHOULD BE COMPLETED “Relative Ages of Rocks” WS
TOPIC: Relative Dating Thurs Sep 12 Learning Target: I can successfully describe the principal of superposition, original horizontality, & cross-cutting relationships. AGENDA: Review Packet p.18-20 Geologic Plah-doh Cross-Sections Relative Dating WS COLLECTED: Relative Ages of Rocks WS RECEIVED: Geologic Play-doh Cross-Sections Relative Dating WS HW: PACKET p.13-20 SHOULD BE COMPLETED Relative Dating WS
TOPIC: Relative Dating Fri Sep 13 Learning Target: I can successfully describe the principal of superposition, original horizontality, & cross-cutting relationships. AGENDA: Review Packet p. 20 Review Relative Dating WS Notes p.6-8 “Finding Clues to Rock Layers” WS Relative Dating of Rock Layers COLLECTED: Relative Dating WS RECEIVED: Finding Clues to Rock Layers WS HW: PACKET p.13-20 SHOULD BE COMPLETED Finding Clues to Rock Layers WS
TOPIC: Relative Dating Mon Sep 16 Learning Target: I can successfully describe the principal of superposition, original horizontality, & cross-cutting relationships. AGENDA: JOURNAL#5 Relative Dating of Rock Layers WS Partner Practice Geologic Cross-Sections Paleogeographic Mapping COLLECTED: Relative Dating of Rock Layers WS Partner Practice Geologic Cross-Sections Paleogeographic Mapping MAP Test Tomorrow – Report to ROOM 204 for Class RECEIVED: Partner Practice Geologic Cross-Sections Paleogeographic Mapping HW: PACKET p.13-20 SHOULD BE COMPLETED Any other incomplete work
I can demonstrate my ability to think & reason scientifically TOPIC: MAP Test Tues Sep 17 Learning Target: I can demonstrate my ability to think & reason scientifically AGENDA: MAP Test in Room 204 COLLECTED: NONE RECEIVED: NONE HW: NONE
TOPIC: Absolute Dating Mon Sep 16 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use radioactive materials in the rocks in order to determine an absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: Paleogeographic Mapping Simulating Radioactive Decay Read & complete p.21-22 “Radioactive…” COLLECTED: Paleogeographic Mapping RECEIVED: Simulating Radioactive Decay HW: READ & COMPLETE PACKET p.21-22 “Radioactive Dating of Rocks”
TOPIC: Absolute Dating Thurs Sep 19 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use radioactive materials in the rocks in order to determine an absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: Notes p.9-11 Radioactive Decay – A Sweet Simulation PACKET p.21-22 “Radioactive Dating of Rocks” COLLECTED: NONE RECEIVED: Radioactive Decay – A Sweet Sim HW: READ & COMPLETE PACKET p.21-22 “Radioactive Dating of Rocks”
TOPIC: Absolute Dating Fri Sep 20 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use radioactive materials in the rocks in order to determine an absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: Paleontology Quiz Notes p. 11 Radioactive Decay – A Sweet Simulation PACKET p.21-22 “Radioactive Dating of Rocks” COLLECTED: Radioactive Decay – A Sweet Sim Radioactive Dating Practice RECEIVED: Radioactive Dating Practice HW: PACKET should be complete thru p.22
TOPIC: Absolute Dating Mon Sep 23 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use radioactive materials in the rocks in order to determine an absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: Radioactive Dating Game Activity Radioactive Decay and the Half-Life COLLECTED: Radioactive Decay – A Sweet Sim Radioactive Dating Practice RECEIVED: Radioactive Dating Game Activity Radioactive Decay and the Half-Life HW: PACKET should be complete thru p.22
TOPIC: Carbon Dating AGENDA: Notes p.12 Carbon Dating Tues Sep 24 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use radioactive materials in the rocks in order to determine an absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: Notes p.12 Carbon Dating Radioactive Decay and the Half-Life Simulating Radioactive Decay Radioactive Dating WS PACKET p.23 “A Continuous Process” COLLECTED: All work from today & yesterday RECEIVED: Radioactive Dating WS Simulating Radioactive Decay HW: PACKET should be complete thru p.23
TOPIC: Carbon Dating AGENDA: JOURNAL #6 Tues Sep 24 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use radioactive materials in the rocks in order to determine an absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: JOURNAL #6 Notes p.12 Carbon Dating Simulating Radioactive Decay Rad Dating WS / Rad Decay and the Half-Life WS PACKET p.23 “A Continuous Process” COLLECTED: All work from today & yesterday RECEIVED: Radioactive Dating WS Simulating Radioactive Decay HW: PACKET should be complete thru p.23
TOPIC: Radioactive Dating Wed Sep 25 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use radioactive materials in the fossils in order to determine an absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: JOURNAL #7 Radiometric Dating Simulation Absolute & Relative Dating WS COLLECTED: All work from today & yesterday RECEIVED: Radiometric Dating Simulation Simulating Radioactive Decay Absolute & Relative Dating WS HW: PACKET should be complete thru p.23
TOPIC: Geologic Time AGENDA: JOURNAL #8 Chap 12 Reading Organizer Thurs Sep 26 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use radioactive materials in the fossils or rocks in order to determine an absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: JOURNAL #8 Check Radiometric Dating Simulation Chap 12 Reading Organizer Absolute & Relative Dating WS COLLECTED: Radiometric Dating Simulation Chap 12 Reading Organizer RECEIVED: Absolute & Relative Dating WS Chap 12 Reading Organizer HW: PACKET should be complete Test tomorrow
TOPIC: Paleontology AGENDA: Paleontology MC Test Fri Sep 27 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use geologic principles & radioactive materials in the fossils or rocks in order to determine the absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: Paleontology MC Test Paleontology CRQ Paleontology Logic Problems BONUS COLLECTED: Radiometric Dating Simulation Chap 12 Reading Organizer Absolute & Relative Dating WS Paleontology Packet RECEIVED: Test, CRQ, & Bonus HW: NONE
TOPIC: Paleontology AGENDA: Paleontology MC Test Mon Sep 30 Learning Target: I can successfully describe how scientists use geologic principles & radioactive materials in the fossils or rocks in order to determine the absolute age of a particular rock or fossil sample. AGENDA: Paleontology MC Test Paleontology CRQ Earthquakes with Bill Nye COLLECTED: Chap 12 Reading Organizer Absolute & Relative Dating WS Paleontology Packet RECEIVED: Test & CRQ, Earthquakes with Bill Nye HW: NONE
TOPIC: Seismology AGENDA: Paleontology Most Missed Test Questions Tues Oct 1 Learning Target: I can describe how scientists describe the cause of an earthquake and demonstrate how to find where it began AGENDA: Paleontology Most Missed Test Questions Find Detritus Review Seismology Notes page 1-2 Finding the Location of an EQ Epicenter PACKET p.6-7 Forces Within / Arrival Time COLLECTED: Test Analysis Finding Detritus Finding Location of EQ Epicenter RECEIVED: Finding the Location of an EQ Epicenter HW: NONE
TOPIC: Seismology AGENDA: Paleontology Most Missed Test Questions Wed Oct 2 Learning Target: I can describe how scientists describe the cause of an earthquake and demonstrate how to find where it began AGENDA: Paleontology Most Missed Test Questions Seismology Notes page 2 Finding the Location of an EQ Epicenter PACKET p.6-7 Forces Within / Arrival Time COLLECTED: Test Analysis Finding Detritus Finding Location of EQ Epicenter RECEIVED: Finding the Location of an EQ Epicenter HW: NONE
TOPIC: Seismology AGENDA: Paleontology Most Missed Test Questions Thurs Oct 3 Learning Target: I can describe how scientists describe the cause of an earthquake and demonstrate how to find where it began AGENDA: Paleontology Most Missed Test Questions PACKET p.6-8 Seismology Notes page 2-3 PACKET p.9-10 Earthquake Safety COLLECTED: Finding an Epicenter RECEIVED: Locating an Earthquake Epicenter Finding an Epicenter HW: PACKET p. 9-10 Earthquake Safety
TOPIC: Seismology AGENDA: Paleontology Most Missed Test Questions Fri Oct 4 Learning Target: I can describe how scientists describe the cause of an earthquake and demonstrate how to find where it began AGENDA: Paleontology Most Missed Test Questions Questions on PACKET p.6-10 Locating an EQ Epicenter Finding an Epicenter WS COLLECTED: Finding an Epicenter RECEIVED: Locating an Earthquake Epicenter Finding an Epicenter HW: PACKET p. 9-10 Earthquake Safety
TOPIC: Layers of the Earth Mon Oct 7 Learning Target: I can describe the earth’s layers and how scientists discovered their composition AGENDA: Notes p. 3-4 Layers of the Earth PACKET p.11-13 Earth’s Interior Recent Earthquakes OR Finding an Epicenter Seismology Quiz Coming soon!?!?! Assignments to turn in: Locating an Earthquake Epicenter Finding an Epicenter Recent Earthquakes HW: PACKET p. 6-13 should be completed
TOPIC: Continental Drift Hypothesis Tues Oct 8 Learning Target: I can show evidence that seems to indicate that the earth’s continents are moving and were long ago AGENDA: Review PACKET p.11-13 “Earth’s Interior” Notes p. 4 (Continental Drift) Wegener’s Puzzling Evidence PACKET p.14-15 “Drifting Continents” Using the Modified Mercalli Scale Assignments to turn in: Wegener’s Puzzling Evidence Using the Modified Mercalli Scale to Locate an Epicenter HW: PACKET p. 6-15 should be completed
TOPIC: Sea Floor Spreading Wed Oct 9 Learning Target: I can show evidence that shows how and where the sea floor was laid AGENDA: Seismology Quiz Notes p.4 PACKET p.16 “Curious Case…” PACKET p.17-18 “Sea Floor Spreading” Assignments to turn in: Wegener’s Puzzling Evidence Using the Modified Mercalli Scale to Locate an Epicenter HW: PACKET p. 6-18 should be completed
TOPIC: Earthquake Towers Thurs Oct 10 Learning Target: I can work together as part of a team to design and build a structure that can hold weight and withstand a simulated earthquake AGENDA: Review Earthquake Towers Assignments to turn in: NONE today HW: PACKET p. 6-18 should be completed
TOPIC: Earthquake Towers Tues Oct 15 Learning Target: I can work together as part of a team to design and build a structure that can hold weight and withstand a simulated earthquake AGENDA: Review Earthquake Towers Assignments to turn in: NONE today HW: PACKET p. 6-18 should be completed
TOPIC: Earthquake Towers Wed Oct 16 Learning Target: I can work together as part of a team to design and build a structure that can hold weight and withstand a simulated earthquake AGENDA: Hints Earthquake Towers Assignments to turn in: NONE today HW: PACKET p. 6-18 should be completed
TOPIC: Earthquake Towers Thurs Oct 17 Learning Target: I can work together as part of a team to design and build a structure that can hold weight and withstand a simulated earthquake AGENDA: Earthquake Tower building Be ready to test tomorrow!!! Assignments to turn in: NONE today HW: PACKET p. 6-18 should be completed
TOPIC: Earthquake Towers Wed Oct 16 Learning Target: I can work together as part of a team to design and build a structure that can hold weight and withstand a simulated earthquake AGENDA: Hints Earthquake Towers Assignments to turn in: NONE today HW: PACKET p. 6-19 should be completed
TOPIC: Earthquake Towers Thurs Oct 17 Learning Target: I can work together as part of a team to design and build a structure that can hold weight and withstand a simulated earthquake AGENDA: Earthquake Tower building Be ready to test tomorrow!!! Assignments to turn in: NONE today HW: PACKET p. 6-19 should be completed
TOPIC: Earthquake Towers Fri Oct 18 Learning Target: I can work together as part of a team to design and build a structure that can hold weight and withstand a simulated earthquake AGENDA: Earthquake Tower testing Alternate assignment (if needed) Assignments to turn in: NONE today HW: PACKET p. 6-18 should be completed
TOPIC: Tectonic Plates Mon Oct 21 Learning Target: I can show evidence that the earth’s crust rests on tectonic plates whose movement create the geologic structures seen today AGENDA: JOURNAL#1 Notes p.4 Chapter 8 Reading Organizer PACKET p.20-21 “Theory of Plate Tectonics” Assignments to turn in: Earthquake Towers Lab papers HW: PACKET p. 6-19 should be completed Seismology & tectonics Test on Thurs or Fri!!
TOPIC: Tectonic Plates Tues Oct 22 Learning Target: I can show evidence that the earth’s crust rests on tectonic plates whose movement create the geologic structures seen today AGENDA: Notes p.5 Hypothetical Plate Boundaries Finish Chapter 8 Reading Organizer PACKET p.22 “Birth of the Himalayas” Assignments to turn in: Earthquake Towers Lab papers HW: PACKET p. 6-22 should be completed Seismology & tectonics Test on Thurs or Fri!!
TOPIC: Tectonic Plates Wed Oct 23 Learning Target: I can show evidence that the earth’s crust rests on tectonic plates whose movement create the geologic structures seen today AGENDA: JOURNAL #2 Tectonic Plate Boundaries Flipchart Finish Chapter 8 Reading Organizer PACKET p.22 “Birth of the Himalayas” PACKET p.23-24 “Plate Boundary WS” Assignments to turn in: Chapter 8 Reading Organizer HW: PACKET p. 6-24 should be completed Seismology & Tectonics Test on Fri!!
TOPIC: Tectonic Plates Thurs Oct 24 Learning Target: I can show evidence that the earth’s crust rests on tectonic plates whose movement create the geologic structures seen today AGENDA: Notes p.5 Layer’s of the Earth Poster Finish Tectonic Plate Boundaries Flipbook Finish Chapter 8 Reading Organizer Finish PACKET pages Assignments to turn in: Layer’s of the Earth Poster Tectonic Plate Boundaries Flipbook Chapter 8 Reading Organizer HW: PACKET should be completed Seismology & Tectonics Test tomorrow!!
TOPIC: Sesimology AGENDA: Seismology Test HW: NONE Seismology CRQ Fri Oct 25 Learning Target: I can show evidence that the earth’s crust rests on tectonic plates whose movement create the geologic structures seen today AGENDA: Seismology Test Seismology CRQ Assignments to turn in: Tectonic Plate Boundaries Flipbook Chapter 8 Reading Organizer Seismology Packet HW: NONE
TOPIC: Astronomy AGENDA: Seismology Test Analysis HW: NONE Mon Oct 28 Learning Target: I can investigate and analyze various terms for various types of celestial objects and their origins AGENDA: Seismology Test Analysis Seismology Most Missed Test Questions Astronomy WebQuest Assignments that should have been turned in: Tectonic Plate Boundaries Flipbook Chapter 8 Reading Organizer Seismology Packet HW: NONE
TOPIC: Astronomy AGENDA: Seismology Most Missed Test Questions Tues Oct 29 Learning Target: I can investigate and analyze various terms for various types of celestial objects and their origins AGENDA: Seismology Most Missed Test Questions Astronomy WebQuest Assignments to Turn In: Astronomy WebQuest HW: Astronomy WebQuest (if incomplete)