By Alan Mather Found in 1st Samuel
Samuel’s Early life Peninnah Hannah Elkanah Hannah prayed to have a son. Her son grew up with Eli in the temple. God called Samuel in a dream.
Samuel Leads Israel Israel turns to God Philistines were attacking Israel Ark stolen Ark returned Philistines defeated Israel wants a king
Samuel and Kings Anointed Saul as King of Israel God rejects Saul Samuel anoint David Buried at Ramah Israel mourned
Questions 1. Who was Samuel’s mother? Hannah 2. What group of people were attacking Israel? The Philistines 3. How many kings did Samuel anoint? Two 4. What were the Kings’ names? Saul and David 5. Where was buried? Ramah
Samuel’s Early life Samuel was born to Hannah and then he was given to Eli, a priest at the temple in Shiloh. Samuel grew up with Eli in the temple. Eli had two wicked sons that didn’t follow the rules for sacrifices.
God Calls Samuel Samuel heard someone call him in the middle of the night. He went to see if it was Eli and Eli said no. This happened three time. After the third time, Eli told Samuel to say “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” The Lord told Samuel that he would carry out his plan against Eli.
Philistines and the Ark The Philistines were at war with Israel and they captured the ark. Eli learned that his sons died in the battle, but he fell over and died when he learned the ark had been stolen. The Philistines gave the ark back after God infected them with tumors.
Philistines Samuel told Israel to turn away from false gods and they got rid of their Baals and Ashtoreths. Israel prayed to the Lord at Mizpah and Samuel sacrificed a burnt offering. The Philistines attacked them after this, but the Israelites killed them all. The Philistines didn’t attack Israel any more while Samuel was alive.
Israel Wants a King Israel was tired of being ruled under Samuel’s sons because they were dishonest and didn’t follow God. Samuel warned them that if they got a king, the king would take many of their possessions and enslave them. The Israelites didn’t care, so Samuel asked God to give Israel a king.
Saul God told Samuel that he would choose a Benjamite named Saul to be Israel’s king. Saul had many victories in battle but during one battle he didn’t follow God’s instructions. He didn’t wipe out the Amalekites in battle, so the Lord rejected Saul as King of Israel.
Samuel and David The Lord told Samuel to anoint David because the Lord rejected Saul. David was the youngest son of Jesse. Samuel died and was buries in Ramah and Israel mourned for him.